v3 (prop 224) .onion for Whonix website

Steady Supplies:

Fair enough. I appreciate the https trick though. I have now used that same method on many other sites like Protonmail, Bitmessage.ch, RiseUp, and a dozen other websites that have hidden service mirrors. So I appreciate the tip.

Good to hear.

Patrick I am certain you’ll find a more elegant solution soon enough.

Extremely unlikely.

Is there any possibility of Namecoin playing a role in this issue? Or is it another issue entirely? Or a non-issue due to some shortcoming?

I doubt that. It’s not a DNS issue. The problem is that webapps we are
using such as mediaiwki, wordpress, discourse are using our primary
https domain. These webapps don’t support multiple domain for the same
website. We don’t have the resources to provide patches to these
projects to add this feature.