Understanding Whonix-Gateway

There are multiple threads discussing unneeded packages. Some whonix packages are metapackages so inclusion in a metapackage doesn’t necessarily mean that the package is an essential component.

Ok, I understand most of the easily removable are accessibility tools:

After some reading, for the benefit of others reading this thread:

usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/cpfpd start

Control port filter proxy - a Whonix script that filters information the Workstation can access, for security reasons.

Also brltty at

An accessibility tool, no longer automatically installed in Whonix 14.

dhclient at UDP, and udp 6 :::14596

I don’t use DHCP or VirtualBox. Not sure what’s required but that doesn’t look unusual. You can disable IPv6 if you don’t need it.

For some reason I was under the impression it’s disabled by default. Perhaps in the case of using a VPN?

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