Trying to configure OnionShare with an error

I am using the wiki to try and configure OnionShare on a fresh install of the latest Whonix version and one of the first steps is to restart onion-grater with

sudo service onion-grater restart

after executing the above command I am met with

Failed to restart onion-grater.service: Unit onion-grater.service not found.

Is there something I am missing?


Did you run part

1. Extend the onion-grater whitelist in Whonix-Gateway ™ ( sys-whonix ).

on Whonix-Gateway?

Did you run this command on Whonix-Gateway?

Please run and post output here.

View /usr/local/etc/onion-grater-merger.d/ folder contents

ls -la /usr/local/etc/onion-grater-merger.d/

Also check onion-grater logs.

sudo journalctl --no-pager -b -u onion-grater.service
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Thank you! I can’t believe I was trying to run the first part in workstation…

Works great now!