This is what the popup is saying, see this post: add Tor Browser first startup popup to ask whether security slider should be set to safest - #9 by Patrick
Most important quote:
All this would do is copying file
cp /usr/share/torbrowser/security-slider-highest.js ~/.tb/tor-browser/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Browser/profile.default/user.js
This is the related source code:
tb-starter/usr/bin/torbrowser at e86a794ceb21f16acdce2a7d7c34e3214612d51c · Kicksecure/tb-starter · GitHub
To look at that file:
cat ~/.tb/tor-browser/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Browser/profile.default/user.js
To undo what this file is doing, just delete that file:
rm ~/.tb/tor-browser/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Browser/profile.default/user.js
To not have this changer ever applied, click “No” when this popup appears. (Requires a new Whonix VM or Tor Browser re-installation.)
Whonix ™ Tor Browser Differences:
Please learn about: Tor Browser Functionality on Different Platforms:
Tor Browser Essentials
Then please try to reproduce this in on a plain Debian VM. Such as a Debian buster
Non-Whonix. I.e. outside of Whonix. If the bug is reproducible there too, it should be reported to The Tor Project.