Thunderbird 78 Deprecates Enigmail

Thanks. I went ahead and noted these advantages in a new section that you can expand on when you have time.

Would the suggested changes impact normal usage? If not, I don’t mind adding them to be enabled by default.

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It certainly would worsen usability.
Thunderbird 78 gpg key management has now worsened usability already. It uses a separate keystore. It doesn’t use gpg’s data dir. It uses Thunderbird’s data dir. Therefore a user who uses both gpg and Thunderbird has two independent key stores, gpg and Thunderbird.

The only option as far as I know is to tell Thunderbird to use gpg’s key store for private keys. For public keys this is not possible.

Therefore setting this option by default would actually increase confusion. It’s easier to know for user that key stores are now independent. The alternative that somehow private key is managed by gpg but public keys are managed by Thunderbird would be more confusing.

It does.

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i agree. still trying to think this one through. but, it may be easier to just treat external keys as a separate use case scenario. however, an upside to using external gpg is that the private key can still be password protected. but, thunderbird’s config can be password protected too. so, not sure how much of a difference there is. i’ve never bothered setting the master password for thunderbird, as i’ve simply never stored any sensitive date in the thunderbird profile.