That makes this issue even more weird. For better maintainability Whonix for the different virtualizers has as minimal differences as possible.
For lack of words, I try to put it that way “Whonix does rather simple things”. I wouldn’t know from the top of my head to even cause such a bug on purpose if I wanted. It would require rather complicated research and implementation to cause an issue which is so hard to reliably reproduce in the same manner.
There was recently a Qubes specific bug that broke connectivity in weird ways with Qubes-Whonix among the affected components.
- Qubes 4.1 - VPN over Tor netvms: ARP request does not get resolved properly · Issue #7123 · QubesOS/qubes-issues · GitHub
- Remove `ip neighbor` hacks by DemiMarie · Pull Request #345 · QubesOS/qubes-core-agent-linux · GitHub
- [Qubes 4.1] Tor -> OpenVPN issues
Therefore the only way forward I can see for now is Tor Generic Bug Reproduction.