SUID Disabler and Permission Hardener

Issue indeed… The essential issue is this…
(You probably know but I am writing this down as reminder to self and everyone else reading.)

sudo getcap /bin/ping

(Capabilities of /bin/ping already removed.)

sudo apt install --reinstall iputils-ping 
sudo getcap /bin/ping

/bin/ping = cap_net_raw+ep

Even if we could, there would a race condition. A time window of vulnerability. Malware with the ability to abuse a capability could use inotifywait (or some other mechanism (perhaps brute force trying)) to wait until the binary is updated and the capability reinstated.

Perhaps once [1] Multiple Boot Modes for Better Security: an Implementation of Untrusted Root existed, malware lurking under user user should be deactivated once rebooted into admin mode. Then malware running under user user couldn’t exploit the vulnerable time window of the capability briefly being re-introduced. If we go for that, we should probably remove upgrade-nonroot command. It would still be an incomplete solution until… Even if rebooted into admin mode, there might be daemons running under for example user www-data. Once [1] is implemented, probbly when booting into admin mode only a limited amount of systemd services should be executed.

Nothing really is as great as a proper implementation of dpkg-statoverride. In case of permissions, dpkg never changes back to the different/original/weaker permissions (won’t re-enable SUID even briefly).

Which kind of configurablity do we need? Can we re-implement these?

Can the output of whoami or some alternative command be trusted? Or can that be fooled with some LD_PRELOAD trick or something?

Let’s pick [archive] as an example. The script currently uses sudo --non-interactive /bin/lsblk --noheadings --all --raw --output RO. This could probably be translated to some capability.

  1. You’re right. We don’t want all users to have that capability. If output of whoami or similar could be trusted, the script itself could check if it’s running under user user and exit if not so?
  2. The capability might give access to a lot more than sudo --non-interactive /bin/lsblk --noheadings --all --raw --output RO.

Am I re-inventing SUID or sudo here?

My conclusion for now: An SUID free desktop system (including free of sudo) is impractical.

Now on a second thought… Perhaps could be implemented in a more sophisticated way. A systemd unit running as root [2] could run sblk --noheadings --all --raw --output RO, then write the output to a world readable file. [3] could then read from that file instead of running a command with SUID (meaning sudo).

Perhaps similar solutions could be invented for other cases currently dependent on a /etc/sudoers.d exception.

Seems difficult. I would not know how to implement this without over complicating the code. I don’t think many people will read that config, let alone edit it or view the logs.

Currently config doesn’t even support white spaces in folder names. (Untested.) Such as basic feature should be implemented before going fancy with bash/AppArmor-style regex?

Config parsing, the script looks complex enough already for my taste.

/usr/local seems to hold anything that also the root / could hold. I found mentions of all newly added entries on Google when putting the serach term into quotes such as.


Also for consistency, thought good to add. At worst in costs a second or so and a log entry.

[2] Or limited user with sudoers exception or capability? Too complex, fancy?
[3] Or only user user? Too complex, fancy?

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For example, restricts a lot of commands to the whonixcheck user or specific arguments. When switching to capabilities, we can’t really do this.

But we cannot add whoami checks to every program. For example, if instead of the following sudoers exception:

whonixcheck ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/dmesg

, we added the CAP_SYSLOG capability to the /bin/dmesg binary, any user would now be able to execute /bin/dmesg with that capability. Only by shipping our own /bin/dmesg program would we be able to implement user checks which is infeasible when considering the large amount of programs we’d need to do this for.

Also, LD_PRELOAD wouldn’t work on binaries with capabilities. It’s sanitized to prevent trivial privilege escalation, similar to setuid binaries.

Bash supports this type of regex already.

echo /{,usr/,usr/local/}{,s}bin/

/bin/ /sbin/ /usr/bin/ /usr/sbin/ /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/sbin/

All we’d need to do on our end is to not handle the strings literally and some basic sanitizing.

This feature wouldn’t only be useful for readability purposes. Permission Hardener currently restricts the permissions of /home/user/:

/home/user/ 0700 user user

But this misses any other user’s home directory whereas if it supported regex, we could change this to:

/home/*/ 0700
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Why not? Not every program indeed. Just to every script by Whonix currently using sudo. I guess Whonix using /etc/sudoers.d is rather uncommon anyhow, and should be avoided? Not a big deal now. But also not great? Uncommon…

dpkg -S /etc/sudoers.d/*

msgcollector: /etc/sudoers.d/msgcollector
security-misc: /etc/sudoers.d/pkexec-security-misc
usability-misc: /etc/sudoers.d/pwfeedback
qubes-core-agent: /etc/sudoers.d/qt_x11_no_mitshm
qubes-core-agent-passwordless-root: /etc/sudoers.d/qubes
qubes-input-proxy-sender: /etc/sudoers.d/qubes-input-trigger
sudo: /etc/sudoers.d/README
security-misc: /etc/sudoers.d/security-misc
usability-misc: /etc/sudoers.d/sudo-lecture-disable
tb-starter: /etc/sudoers.d/tb-starter
tb-updater: /etc/sudoers.d/tpo-downloader
usability-misc: /etc/sudoers.d/tunnel_unpriv
qubes-core-agent: /etc/sudoers.d/umask
usability-misc: /etc/sudoers.d/upgrade-passwordless
usability-misc: /etc/sudoers.d/user-passwordless
security-misc: /etc/sudoers.d/xfce-security-misc

On my system only Whonix and Qubes dropping files into /etc/sudoers.d.

Could be a configurable wrapper somewhere in /etc, perhaps even .d, to allow extending the list of permitted users per program. A script function to be sourceed so it doesn’t have to be re-invented for every script.

Yes, we certainly shouldn’t add capabilities to /bin/dmesg. What I had in mind…

That’s what I had in mind. Creating wrapper scripts for that. The wrapper script would:

  • check whoami (based on sourceed shell function and config folder)
  • have required capability
  • run command with all parameters (example: /bin/journalctl --boot --no-pager -u whonix-firewall)

Simplified example:


if [ ! “$(whoami)” = “user” ]; then
exit 1

/bin/journalctl --boot --no-pager -u whonix-firewall

In result:

  • Only the whitelisted user(s) would be permitted to run it.
  • Using capabilities.
  • Still only a very specific command.

There would be the risk of malicious input in the script being able to run other commands with the given capability but since these wrapper scripts should be similarly simple as above and not parse any command line parameters I think that risk is worth the gain. In other words, I think it’s very doable to get these scripts right and benefit from a fully SUID free system that doesn’t depend on sudo.

I don’t think we have such a massive amount of /etc/sudoers.d reliance that porting to capability enabled wrapper scripts is infeasible?

Nice, that’s something.

What do you think?

But then my design proposal might fail because capabilities cannot be set on scripts. Only on programs. As per:

Any solution for that? We’d have to invent C(++) based wrappers? Perhaps a thin, perhaps even generic wrapper that sets the capability and then runs the helper script?

I guess the config parser could run the function doing the actual work (which runs find) several times per config entry. But I don’t see much benefit. I don’t foresee a lot users or even packages dropping config snippets there, changing expanding the default configuration. This is not going to be the new /etc/apparmor.d with lots of contributions which really deserves a sophisticated configuration language.


Second one lacks user names.

How to auto detect the user name then? If we want to harden permissions for different user names in /home, wouldn’t it be better to have a special function in the script? In that case would be easier to have a function (feature) parsing /home rather than inventing a complex config parsing just for /home folder permission hardening.

(That feature would then be enabled in config using harden_home_folder_permissions=true or so. Or default buit-in enabled and disabled with harden_home_folder_permissions=false.)

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This may be a good idea then.

Wrappers in C should be easy to implement.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
  const char *permitted_user = "user";
  struct passwd *current_user = getpwuid(geteuid());

  if (strcmp(current_user->pw_name, permitted_user) == 0) {
    system("/bin/journalctl --boot --no-pager -u whonix-firewall"); 

  puts("ERROR: You are not the correct user.");

stat -c "%U %G"

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working fine (tested in qubes) except it all add additional boot delay.

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related issue:

Performance issues which might cause trouble in Qubes-Whonix:

WIth debugging.

time sudo bash -x /usr/libexec/security-misc/permission-hardening
real	0m7.729s
user	0m0.688s
sys	0m2.020s

Dropping debugging doesn’t make much of a difference.

time sudo /usr/libexec/security-misc/permission-hardening
real 0m8.759s
user 0m0.730s
sys 0m2.100s

Some solution has to be found so it won’t add boot delay.

/usr/bin/time -f %E sudo /usr/libexec/security-misc/permission-hardening

As mentioned in above ticket, I am now considering to not run SUID Disabler at boot time but only at package installation and update time. This would prevent issue Sometimes qubes don't start the first time - If Whonix/Kicksecure Hardening Features for Testers Enabled · Issue #7959 · QubesOS/qubes-issues · GitHub and help to move this ticket forward, i.e. enabling SUID Disabler by default.

SUID Disabler and Permission Hardener is now enabled by default at package installation time.

This is now in the developers repository.

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It would also break sudo

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qfile-unpacker is whitelisted and a security risk.
…but only a threat model when Qubes would be already using sudo lockdown by default or when opt-in by the user.

SUID Disabler and Permission Hardener is now enabled by default in the testers repository.

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