Setting up DNSCrypt on Whonix Gateway. And also another question

DNSCrypt itself can be challenging to configure according to our prior experiences:

Therefore a prerequisite exercise is making DNSCrypt work on non-Whonix, on Debian buster.

That does not work for reasons similar to reasons described here:

Problem on Whonix when connecting to NordVPN, or basically any other linux vpn provider! - #7 by Patrick

DNSCrypt runs as user _dnscrypt-proxy by Debian dnscrypt package default. That user on Whonix-Gateway has neither clearnet system default networking access nor torified system default networking access.

This might help or be part of the solution. Untested. This would allow _dnscrypt-proxy to connect to clearnet.


NO_NAT_USERS+=" $(id -u "_dnscrypt-proxy")"

But DNSCrypt might not be required. Whonix-Gateway System DNS - Whonix might be easier to set up and more reliable.

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