SecBrowser Guide Update Suggestion

May the devs update SecBrowser’s guide? The archived guides are outdated.

Although SecBrowser is currently unsupported, users seeking browser alternatives and also Tor users may benefit from an updated SecBrowser guide in using Tor Browser without its network (along with a VPN/proxy):

  1. Uniformity: same browser fingerprint as millions of Tor Browser users have.
  2. Freedom: access a website that discriminates against the Tor Network.
  3. Speed: download/upload faster than the Tor Network.
  4. Convenience: a hardened Firefox by default.

Core template (click on Summary to view)


*** VPN users: Manual Method (Version 10)

Step I: Make a copy of Tor Browser and rename it.

Step II: Create autoconfig.js.

  1. Copy these 2 lines into a text editor:
    pref(“general.config.filename”, “firefox.cfg”);
    pref(“general.config.obscure_value”, 0);
  2. Replace each quotation mark by retyping them. (Because converts programmer quotation marks to curved ones).
  3. Convert the newline to LF. (Windows: Use an advanced text editor like Notepad++).
  4. Save as: autoconfig.js. (Windows: File, Save As, Save as type, All Files, File name: autoconfig.js).

Step III: Create firefox.cfg.

  1. Copy these 5 lines into a text editor:
    // IMPORTANT: Start your code on the 2nd line
    lockPref(“extensions.torlauncher.start_tor”, false);
    lockPref(“network.dns.disabled”, false);
    lockPref(“network.proxy.socks_remote_dns”, false);
    lockPref(“network.proxy.type”, 0);
  2. Replace each quotation mark by retyping them. (Because converts programmer quotation marks to curved ones).
  3. Optional for firefox.cfg: Convert the newline to LF.
  4. Save as: firefox.cfg. (Windows: File, Save As, Save as type, All Files, File name: firefox.cfg).

Step IV: Copy autoconfig.js and firefox.cfg into the renamed Tor Browser directory.

  1. autoconfig.js file path:
    Windows or Linux: …\Browser\defaults\pref
    MacOS: …/Contents/Resources/defaults/pref
  2. firefox.cfg file path:
    Windows or Linux: …\Browser
    MacOS: …/Contents/Resources

Full template (click on Summary to view)


Choose any of these four methods to use the Tor Browser without its network:
|* VPN users: Download Method
** VPN users: Download + Manual Method
*** VPN users: Manual Method
*** Proxy users: Manual Method

Uses of Tor Browser without Tor connection (with VPN/proxy):

  1. Uniformity: same browser fingerprint as millions of Tor Browser users have.
  2. Freedom: access a website that discriminates against the Tor Network.
  3. Speed: download/upload faster than the Tor Network.
  4. Convenience: a hardened Firefox by default.

|* VPN users: Download Method (Version 10)

Windows 64-bit (10.0.16, 70mb):
Windows 32-bit (10.0.16, 70mb):
MacOS 64-bit (10.0.16, 70mb):
Linux 64-bit (10.0.16, 70mb):
Linux 32-bit (10.0.16, 70mb):

** VPN users: Download + Manual Method (Version 10)

  1. Rename your Tor Browser folder to: Tor Browser without Network 1
  2. Download the .zip file.
  3. Find the folder with your operating system’s name in the .zip file.
  4. Copy and paste its “Tor Browser without Network 1” contents into your renamed Tor Browser from Step 1.

Windows 64-bit:
Windows 32-bit:
MacOS 64-bit:
Linux 64-bit:
Linux 32-bit:

*** VPN users: Manual Method (Version 10)

Step I: Make a copy of Tor Browser and rename it.

Step II: Create autoconfig.js.

  1. Copy these 2 lines into a text editor:
    pref(“general.config.filename”, “firefox.cfg”);
    pref(“general.config.obscure_value”, 0);
  2. Replace each quotation mark by retyping them. (Because converts programmer quotation marks to curved ones).
  3. Convert the newline to LF. (Windows: Use an advanced text editor like Notepad++).
  4. Save as: autoconfig.js. (Windows: File, Save As, Save as type, All Files, File name: autoconfig.js).

Step III: Create firefox.cfg.

  1. Copy these 5 lines into a text editor:
    // IMPORTANT: Start your code on the 2nd line
    lockPref(“extensions.torlauncher.start_tor”, false);
    lockPref(“network.dns.disabled”, false);
    lockPref(“network.proxy.socks_remote_dns”, false);
    lockPref(“network.proxy.type”, 0);
  2. Replace each quotation mark by retyping them. (Because converts programmer quotation marks to curved ones).
  3. Optional for firefox.cfg: Convert the newline to LF.
  4. Save as: firefox.cfg. (Windows: File, Save As, Save as type, All Files, File name: firefox.cfg).

Step IV: Copy autoconfig.js and firefox.cfg into the renamed Tor Browser directory.

  1. autoconfig.js file path:
    Windows or Linux: …\Browser\defaults\pref
    MacOS: …/Contents/Resources/defaults/pref
  2. firefox.cfg file path:
    Windows or Linux: …\Browser
    MacOS: …/Contents/Resources

*** Proxy users: Manual Method (Version 10)

Step I: VPN Manual Method

Step II: VPN Manual Method

Step III: firefox.cfg

  1. Copy these lines into a text editor:
    // IMPORTANT: Start your code on the 2nd line
    lockPref(“extensions.torbutton.use_nontor_proxy”, true);
    lockPref(“extensions.torlauncher.start_tor”, false);
    lockPref(“network.proxy.socks_remote_dns”, false);
    lockPref(“network.proxy.type”, 1);
    //lockPref(“network.proxy.ftp”, “#”);
    //lockPref (“network.proxy.ftp_port”, #);
    //lockPref(“network.proxy.http”, “#”);
    //lockPref(“network.proxy.http_port”, #);
    //lockPref(“network.proxy.socks”, “#”);
    //lockPref(“network.proxy.socks_port”, #);
    //lockPref (“network.proxy.socks_version”, #);
    //lockPref(“network.proxy.ssl”, “#”);
    //lockPref(“network.proxy.ssl_port”, #);
  2. Replace each quotation mark by retyping them. (Because converts programmer quotation marks to curved ones).
  3. Optional for firefox.cfg: Convert the newline to LF.
  4. Delete “//” from the desired options.
  5. Replace “#” with the desired value.
  6. Optional for firefox.cfg: Convert the newline to LF.
  7. Save as: firefox.cfg.

Step IV: VPN Manual Method

Version History

Since Tor Browser version 9, these configurations reset upon restarting firefox.exe:

Since Tor Browser version 10, this must be set to false:

Since Tor Browser version 10, these environment variables no longer work:

Customizing Firefox Using AutoConfig | Firefox for Enterprise Help
Deploying Firefox Customizations on macOS | Firefox for Enterprise Help

If the moderators will allow it, I can upload some of the download links.