Secbrowser starter (tb-starter) from Whonix testers repository now will automatically enable use of config option tb_hardening=true which results in using hardened-malloc as well as firejail by default if packages hardened-malloc firejail and firejail-profiles are installed. Documentation was updated.
Will move to stable-proposed-updates and stable repository over time.
Could you please set SecBrowser ™ has been deprecated! to use a “few” (fewer) templates and/or an introduction text(s) only and then link to the other pages?
How about move a copy of Tor Browser witout Tor to deprecated. Might be needed when is created (will need a “history” of SecBrowser ) . Then create a page for SecBrowser in Windows based on Tor Browser witout Tor wiki.
Opted to create a new SecBrowser in Windows wiki instead of moving Tor Browser without Tor. (good practice for GSoD) The page is 95% complete. The bottom half needs to be formatted better with boxes, changes in header size etc. Added a bunch of images since this wiki is mostly for beginners imo. Will have everything complete tomorrow, Tor without Tor wiki removed and ready for review.
Already completed. Is there a way to both deprecate Tor Browser without Tor and create a redirect from Tor Browser without Tor → ?
If Secbrowser is the defacto Torless browser we will use for Zeronet/I2P/Freenet then no I don’t think we should as we still want the privacy protections intact but not have the traffic forced thru Tor by default.