swdate → sdwdate
You found the debs already? Or you did not?
Because when you cannot install them using dpkg, means you had something you tried to install with dpkg, i.e. the debs.
They’re all here:
Any dpkg error messages?
You might want to build them from source instead? Or port them to Arch specific package format? Depending on if this is a personal or redistributable project?
Since I am not using arch linux, I know little about it. No idea how easy/hard it is to get a Debian deb working on Arch. uwt could be more difficult, because it depends on and internally uses config-package-dev.
The answer is “for a stable implementation, you must probably port it to become a native Arch package”. That’s not very helpful, I guess, since that is a development task. Due to time restraints, it won’t be possible for me to make the port. However, if there are specific technical questions regarding the port, I’ll try my best answering questions.
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