repeated sdwdate fails in virtualbox whonix-gateway

sdwdate usually goes to the x within several minutes. when i reset it i usually get another fail within 10 minutes. it fails so much. i know this is not typical.

i don’t know why this happens. i don’t know what to test.

what steps should i do to troubleshoot this? Should I try increasing my ram or processing speed in the vm? The circuits don’t seem to fail, just sdwdate.

known usability issue:

sdwdate and sdwdate-gui development thread - #397 by Patrick

Patrick, this doesn’t happen when I use Qubes and use whonix gateway in bigger larger machine with more ram and CPU power. I don’t always like using that machine and sometimes it is compiling things or doing other resource intensive tasks (not while browsing).

The post you are linking to says I don’t need to worry about X always appearing in the lock in the VM. I don’t understand especially since I do want to guard against timing correlation attacks. Are you saying the attacks against the tor network result in the X? Why do I see it on the weak low-power machine running whonix in a VM and not on Qubes whonix-gateway?

If the Tor network is under DOS or onion time sources are down then the onions randomly chosen from the default sdwdate configuration file then sdwdate can fail which isn’t a big deal as explained in the link.

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