Physical Isolation Build broken?

Hi all,

I tried to build a physical isolation terminal only several times all with no success.
All preparations were successfully made exactly as mentioned in Build Documentation.

  • first try gw 9.6 stopped complaining about libruby and missing dependencies (from grml???)
  • second try gw 9.6 stopped complaining about ‘variable make_pkg_version is empty’

so third try I switched to getting this log (same like in second try):

++ dpkg-parsechangelog
parsechangelog/debian: warning: debian/changelog(l1): found blank line where expected first heading
parsechangelog/debian: warning: debian/changelog(l1): found eof where expected first heading
parsechangelog/debian: error: fatal error occurred while parsing input
dpkg-parsechangelog: error: changelog parser /usr/lib/dpkg/parsechangelog/debian gave error exit status 255

  • make_pkg_version_with_revision=-
  • ‘[’ ‘’ = ‘’ ‘]’
  • echo 'ERROR: variable make_pkg_version is empty.'
    ERROR: variable make_pkg_version is empty.
  • exit 1
    make: *** [deb-cleanup] Error 1
    ++ error_handler_general
    ++ error_handler_shared
    ++ last_exit_code=2
    ++ last_bash_command=‘make deb-cleanup’
    ++ ‘[’ test -o xtrace = 0 ‘]’
    ++ set +x
    ERROR in pre detected!
    Please have a look above “error_handler_general”, note the command that failed, its output and last_exit_code.

What am I missing here? Did lots of builds till v8.2 but this looks disturbing^^

Yet another try to build gw 8.2

+++ error_handler_general
+++ error_handler_shared
+++ last_exit_code=127
+++ last_bash_command=‘error “unknown option: $1”’
+++ ‘[’ test -o xtrace = 0 ‘]’
+++ set +x
ERROR in ./whonix_build detected!
Please have a look above “error_handler_general”, note the command that failed, its output and last_exit_code.

again a failed gw9.6 build… :frowning:
++ dpkg-parsechangelog
parsechangelog/debian: warning: debian/changelog(l1): found blank line where expected first heading
parsechangelog/debian: warning: debian/changelog(l1): found eof where expected first heading
parsechangelog/debian: error: fatal error occurred while parsing input
dpkg-parsechangelog: error: changelog parser /usr/lib/dpkg/parsechangelog/debian gave error exit status 255

  • make_pkg_version_with_revision=-
  • ‘[’ ‘’ = ‘’ ‘]’
  • echo 'ERROR: variable make_pkg_version is empty.'
    ERROR: variable make_pkg_version is empty.
  • exit 1
    make: *** [deb-cleanup] Error 1
    ++ error_handler_general
    ++ error_handler_shared
    ++ last_exit_code=2
    ++ last_bash_command=‘make deb-cleanup’
    ++ ‘[’ test -o xtrace = 0 ‘]’
    ++ set +x
    ERROR in pre detected!
    Please have a look above “error_handler_general”, note the command that failed, its output and last_exit_code.
  • Please enter c and press enter to ignore the error and continue building. (Recommended against!)
  • Please press s and enter to open an chroot interactive shell.
  • Please press enter to cleanup and exit. ++ error_handler_build-machine
    +++ caller
    ++ : echo ‘
    BASH_COMMAND: run-parts --verbose --exit-on-error ./build-steps.d
    ERROR ./whonix_build: | caller: 1 ./whonix_build

    ++ exit 1
    ERROR in pre detected!
    Please have a look above “error_handler_general”, note the command that failed, its output and last_exit_code.
  • Please enter c and press enter to ignore the error and continue building. (Recommended against!)
  • Please press s and enter to open an chroot interactive shell.
  • Please press enter to cleanup and exit. pre: line 43: read: read error: 0: Input/output error
    +++ ‘[’ false = true ‘]’
    ++++ caller
    +++ last_caller=‘128 pre’
    +++ last_script=pre
    +++ error_handler_exit
    +++ ‘[’ false = true ‘]’
    +++ abort_or_continue=Aborted
    +++ rm --force /etc/apt/sources.list.d/whonix_temp.list
    +++ rm --force /var/run/package_manager_lock
    +++ true ‘
    ERROR in pre detected! Aborted!
    (benchmark: 00:13:13)
    BASH_COMMAND: make deb-cleanup
    last_exit_code: 0
    caller: 128 pre
    ERROR in pre! Aborted!

    +++ ‘[’ false = true ‘]’
    +++ exit 1
    ++ error_handler_general
    ++ error_handler_shared
    ++ last_exit_code=1
    ++ last_bash_command=’"$WHONIX_SOURCE_HELP_STEPS_FOLDER/cleanup-files"’
    ++ ‘[’ test -o xtrace = 0 ‘]’
    ++ set +x
    ERROR in pre detected!
    Please have a look above “error_handler_general”, note the command that failed, its output and last_exit_code.
  • Please enter c and press enter to ignore the error and continue building. (Recommended against!)
  • Please press s and enter to open an chroot interactive shell.
  • Please press enter to cleanup and exit. pre: line 43: read: read error: 0: Input/output error
    ++ ‘[’ false = true ‘]’
    +++ caller
    ++ last_caller=‘128 pre’
    ++ last_script=pre
    ++ error_handler_exit
    ++ ‘[’ false = true ‘]’
    ++ abort_or_continue=Aborted
    ++ rm --force /etc/apt/sources.list.d/whonix_temp.list
    ++ rm --force /var/run/package_manager_lock
    ++ true ‘
    ERROR in pre detected! Aborted!
    (benchmark: 00:13:13)
    last_exit_code: 1
    caller: 128 pre
    ERROR in pre! Aborted!

    ++ ‘[’ false = true ‘]’
    ++ exit 1

Switching to deprecated versions is a bad idea. More so, if you don’t know enough of git. (Leftovers of git submodules that were not present in old version.) Probably easiest to get a fresh source code folder.

Most likely Debian’s current sources is now ahead of Whonix’s frozen sources.

could help. (


should do the trick then?
is there a certain order where to put the additional options?


’ dpkg_line
++ dpkg-parsechangelog
parsechangelog/debian: warning: debian/changelog(l1): found blank line where expected first heading
parsechangelog/debian: warning: debian/changelog(l1): found eof where expected first heading
parsechangelog/debian: error: fatal error occurred while parsing input
dpkg-parsechangelog: error: changelog parser /usr/lib/dpkg/parsechangelog/debian gave error exit status 255

  • make_pkg_version_with_revision=-
  • ‘[’ ‘’ = ‘’ ‘]’
  • echo 'ERROR: variable make_pkg_version is empty.'
    ERROR: variable make_pkg_version is empty.
  • exit 1
    make: *** [deb-cleanup] Error 1
    ++ error_handler_general
    ++ error_handler_shared
    ++ last_exit_code=2
    ++ last_bash_command=‘make deb-cleanup’
    ++ ‘[’ test -o xtrace = 0 ‘]’
    ++ set +x
    ERROR in pre detected!

I’m running the build on a wheezy netinst.
Maybe there is something I have to add/install before build? Is Backport needed?

Installed a 7.4 snapshot just to see if it’s about the Wheezy version - went very wrong^^

ERROR in pre detected! Aborted!
(benchmark: 00:00:51)
BASH_COMMAND: apt-get $apt_timeout_opts update
last_exit_code: 0
caller: 128 pre
ERROR in pre! Aborted!

I have really no clue about deb script, but the troublemaker seems to be here

No backports needed. Order of command line arguments does not matter.

Are you sure you went through this chapter?

I can reproduce that error when I empty debian/changelog. This is not the default so somehow you got an integrity error of the source code folder.

Did you take my advice getting a fresh source code folder? If you don’t know git your only chance is to start fresh and to follow instructions up to the dot.

(deb7.8-386 from netinstall on kvm)

the final error(s) first:


Reading package lists…
Building dependency tree…
Reading state information…
libruby1.9.1 is already the newest version.
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
autotools-dev cdbs
Use ‘apt-get autoremove’ to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

  • sync
  • sync
  • ‘[’ 0 = 0 ‘]’
  • true ‘INFO: Installed libruby1.9.1, no error detected.’
  • return 0
  • set +x
    INFO: Attempt to install unmet_dependency: libruby1.9.1 done.
  • IFS=’
  • true ‘INFO: Tried to diagnose the problem using function parse_apt_get_unmet_dependency.’
  • error ‘See above!’
    ./build-steps.d/1700_install-packages: line 178: error: command not found
  • return 0
  • set +x
    INFO: Attempt to install unmet_dependency: ruby1.9.1-dev done.
  • IFS=’
  • true ‘INFO: Tried to diagnose the problem using function parse_apt_get_unmet_dependency.’
  • error ‘See above!’
    ./build-steps.d/1700_install-packages: line 178: error: command not found
  • return 0
  • set +x
    INFO: Attempt to install unmet_dependency: sdwdate done.
    INFO: Found unmet dependency: sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check. Will try to manually install it for debugging…
  • true ‘INFO: Running “dpkg -l | grep sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check”…’
  • dpkg -l
  • grep sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check
    ++ error_handler_unchroot_unprevent_unmount
    ++ error_handler_shared
    ++ last_exit_code=1
    ++ last_bash_command=‘grep “$unmet_dependency”’
    ++ ‘[’ test -o xtrace = 0 ‘]’
    ++ set +x
    ERROR in pre detected!
    Please have a look above “error_handler_general”, note the command that failed, its output and last_exit_code.


PART 2 (pressed “c”)

  • Please press enter to cleanup and exit. c
    ++ ‘[’ false = true ‘]’
    +++ caller
    ++ last_caller=‘133 pre’
    ++ last_script=pre
    ++ ‘[’ true = false ‘]’
    ++ error_handler_exit
    ++ ‘[’ true = true ‘]’
    ++ abort_or_continue=Continue
    ++ true ‘
    ERROR in pre detected! Continue!
    (benchmark: 00:02:02)
    BASH_COMMAND: grep "$unmet_dependency"
    last_exit_code: 1
    caller: 133 pre
    ERROR in pre! Continue!

    ++ ‘[’ true = true ‘]’
    ++ ‘[’ ‘!’ ‘’ = 1 ‘]’
    ++ true 'You have chosen to ignore this error. Your build may be unstable!
    This is recommended against unless you know what you are doing. Do not report
    bugs, that are a result of this! Please press enter to continue. ’
  • apt-cache policy sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check
  • install-pkg sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check
  • trap error_handler_unchroot_unprevent_unmount ERR INT TERM
  • pkg=sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check
  • local skip_package
  • for skip_package in ‘$whonix_build_script_whonix_package’
  • ‘[’ anon-shared-desktop = sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check ‘]’
  • for skip_package in ‘$whonix_build_script_whonix_package’
  • ‘[’ anon-shared-desktop-kde = sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check ‘]’
  • for skip_package in ‘$whonix_build_script_whonix_package’
  • ‘[’ anon-shared-kde-accessibility = sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check ‘]’
  • for skip_package in ‘$whonix_build_script_whonix_package’
  • ‘[’ whonix-gateway = sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check ‘]’
  • for skip_package in ‘$whonix_build_script_whonix_package’
  • ‘[’ whonix-workstation = sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check ‘]’
  • unset skip_package
  • true ‘INFO: Installing sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check, because whonix_build_script_whonix_package does not include it… This may take a while…’
  • local apt_get_exit_code=0
  • apt-get -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/empty -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/var/lib/whonix/sources_temp_list.d -o Acquire::http::Timeout=180 -o Acquire::ftp::Timeout=180 -o Acquire::Retries=3 -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false --yes --no-install-recommends install sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check
    Reading package lists…
    Building dependency tree…
    Reading state information…
    Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
    requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
    distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
    or been moved out of Incoming.
    The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check : Depends: sdwdate but it is not going to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

  • apt_get_exit_code=100
  • true
  • local apt_get_exit_code=0
  • apt-get -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/empty -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/var/lib/whonix/sources_temp_list.d -o Acquire::http::Timeout=180 -o Acquire::ftp::Timeout=180 -o Acquire::Retries=3 -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false --yes --no-install-recommends install sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check
    Reading package lists…
    Building dependency tree…
    Reading state information…
    Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
    requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
    distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
    or been moved out of Incoming.
    The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check : Depends: sdwdate but it is not going to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

  • apt_get_exit_code=100
  • true
  • sync
  • sync
  • ‘[’ 100 = 0 ‘]’
  • ‘[’ ‘’ = true ‘]’
  • true ‘ERROR: Failed to install sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check. (apt_get_exit_code: 100) Attempting to gather debug output to diagnose the problem…’
  • true ‘INFO: Read output of apt-get trying to install sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check into a variable for debugging. This may take a while…’
  • local apt_get_exit_code=0
    ++ apt-get -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/empty -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/var/lib/whonix/sources_temp_list.d -o Acquire::http::Timeout=180 -o Acquire::ftp::Timeout=180 -o Acquire::Retries=3 -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false --yes --no-install-recommends install sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check
  • apt_get_output=’ Reading package lists…
    Building dependency tree…
    Reading state information…
    Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
    requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
    distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
    or been moved out of Incoming.
    The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check : Depends: sdwdate but it is not going to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. ’

  • apt_get_exit_code=100
  • true
  • sync
  • sync
  • ‘[’ 100 = 0 ‘]’
  • true ‘ERROR: As expected, failed again to install sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check. (apt_get_exit_code: 100) Trying to diagnose the problem using function parse_apt_get_unmet_dependency…’
  • parse_apt_get_unmet_dependency
  • true ‘INFO: Running “dpkg -l | grep sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check”…’
  • dpkg -l
  • grep sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check
  • apt-cache policy sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check
  • local line
  • OIFS=’
  • NIFS=’
  • IFS=’
  • set +x
  • IFS=’
  • true ‘INFO: Tried to diagnose the problem using function parse_apt_get_unmet_dependency.’
  • error ‘See above!’
    ./build-steps.d/1700_install-packages: line 178: error: command not found
  • return 0
  • set +x
    INFO: Attempt to install unmet_dependency: sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check done.
    INFO: Found unmet dependency: sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-streamiso. Will try to manually install it for debugging…
  • true ‘INFO: Running “dpkg -l | grep sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-streamiso”…’
  • dpkg -l
  • grep sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-streamiso
    ++ error_handler_unchroot_unprevent_unmount
    ++ error_handler_shared
    ++ last_exit_code=1
    ++ last_bash_command=‘grep “$unmet_dependency”’
    ++ ‘[’ test -o xtrace = 0 ‘]’
    ++ set +x
    ERROR in pre detected!
    Please have a look above “error_handler_general”, note the command that failed, its output and last_exit_code.
  • Please enter c and press enter to ignore the error and continue building. (Recommended against!)
  • Please press s and enter to open an chroot interactive shell.



from start…
(this a cloned vm, build ready)

user@host:~/Whonix$ git checkout 9.6
warning: unable to rmdir packages/apparmor-profile-gwenview: Directory not empty
warning: unable to rmdir packages/control-port-filter-python: Directory not empty
warning: unable to rmdir packages/gpg-bash-lib: Directory not empty
warning: unable to rmdir packages/grub-output-verbose: Directory not empty
warning: unable to rmdir packages/grub-screen-resolution: Directory not empty
warning: unable to rmdir packages/kde-common-resolution: Directory not empty
warning: unable to rmdir packages/kde-privacy: Directory not empty
warning: unable to rmdir packages/ksm: Directory not empty
warning: unable to rmdir packages/python-guimessages: Directory not empty
warning: unable to rmdir packages/qubes-whonix: Directory not empty
warning: unable to rmdir packages/usability-misc: Directory not empty
warning: unable to rmdir packages/whonix-developer-meta-files: Directory not empty
warning: unable to rmdir packages/whonix-host-firewall: Directory not empty
warning: unable to rmdir packages/whonix-libvirt: Directory not empty
warning: unable to rmdir packages/whonix-setup-wizard: Directory not empty
warning: unable to rmdir packages/whonix-welcome-page: Directory not empty
M packages/anon-apt-sources-list
M packages/anon-base-files
M packages/anon-gpg-tweaks
M packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config
M packages/anon-gw-base-files
M packages/anon-gw-build-upgrade-tor
M packages/anon-gw-dhcp-conf
M packages/anon-gw-dns-conf
M packages/anon-gw-first-run-notice
M packages/anon-gw-kde-startmenu
M packages/anon-gw-leaktest
M packages/anon-iceweasel-warning
M packages/anon-icon-pack
M packages/anon-kde-streamiso
M packages/anon-meta-packages
M packages/anon-mixmaster
M packages/anon-shared-build-apt-sources-tpo
M packages/anon-shared-build-ban-nonfree
M packages/anon-shared-build-fix-grub
M packages/anon-shared-build-inst-tb
M packages/anon-shared-build-log-build-version
M packages/anon-shared-build-remember-sources
M packages/anon-shared-build-sanity-checks
M packages/anon-shared-build-upgrade-torsocks
M packages/anon-shared-helper-scripts
M packages/anon-torchat
M packages/anon-ws-base-files
M packages/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor
M packages/anon-ws-dns-conf
M packages/anon-ws-kde-startmenu
M packages/anon-ws-leaktest
M packages/apparmor-profile-anondist
M packages/apparmor-profile-icedove
M packages/apparmor-profile-okular
M packages/apparmor-profile-pidgin
M packages/apparmor-profile-sdwdate
M packages/apparmor-profile-timesync
M packages/apparmor-profile-torbrowser
M packages/apparmor-profile-virtualbox
M packages/apparmor-profile-whonixcheck
M packages/apparmor-profile-xchat
M packages/bootclockrandomization
M packages/control-port-filter
M packages/curl-scripts
M packages/damngpl
M packages/gpl-sources-download
M packages/grub-enable-apparmor
M packages/ipv4-forward-disable
M packages/ipv6-disable
M packages/kde-apper-no-autoupdate
M packages/kde-dolphin-menubar-enable
M packages/kde-kdm-autologin
M packages/kde-kgpg-tweaks
M packages/kde-konsole-unlim-scrollback
M packages/kde-lowfat
M packages/kde-mouse-doubleclick
M packages/kde-no-move-max-win
M packages/kde-sounds-off
M packages/kmix-disable-autostart
M packages/knetattach-hide
M packages/msgcollector
M packages/open-link-confirmation
M packages/pidgin-improved-privacy
M packages/pkg-manager-longer-timeouts
M packages/pkg-manager-no-autoupdate
M packages/power-savings-disable-in-vms
M packages/poweroff-passwordless
M packages/rads
M packages/scurl
M packages/sdwdate
M packages/sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check
M packages/sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-streamiso
M packages/shared-folder-help
M packages/swap-file-creator
M packages/swappiness-lowest
M packages/tb-default-browser
M packages/tb-starter
M packages/tb-updater
M packages/tcp-timestamps-disable
M packages/timesanitycheck
M packages/timesync
M packages/timezone-utc
M packages/tor-ctrl
M packages/uwt
M packages/vbox-disable-timesync
M packages/whonix-base-files
M packages/whonix-gw-desktop-shortcuts
M packages/whonix-gw-firewall
M packages/whonix-gw-kde-desktop-conf
M packages/whonix-gw-network-conf
M packages/whonix-initializer
M packages/whonix-legacy
M packages/whonix-repository
M packages/whonix-ws-desktop-shortcuts
M packages/whonix-ws-firewall
M packages/whonix-ws-irc-chat-support
M packages/whonix-ws-kde-desktop-conf
M packages/whonix-ws-network-conf
M packages/whonix-ws-start-menu-additions
M packages/whonixcheck
M packages/whonixsetup
M packages/xchat-improved-privacy
Note: checking out ‘9.6’.

You are in ‘detached HEAD’ state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

git checkout -b new_branch_name

HEAD is now at 76436e4… updated frozen repository


user@host:~/Whonix$ git clean -ndff
Would remove packages/apparmor-profile-gwenview/
Would remove packages/control-port-filter-python/
Would remove packages/gpg-bash-lib/
Would remove packages/grub-output-verbose/
Would remove packages/grub-screen-resolution/
Would remove packages/kde-common-resolution/
Would remove packages/kde-privacy/
Would remove packages/ksm/
Would remove packages/python-guimessages/
Would remove packages/qubes-whonix/
Would remove packages/usability-misc/
Would remove packages/whonix-developer-meta-files/
Would remove packages/whonix-host-firewall/
Would remove packages/whonix-libvirt/
Would remove packages/whonix-setup-wizard/
Would remove packages/whonix-welcome-page/


user@host:~/Whonix$ git clean -ndff
Would remove packages/apparmor-profile-gwenview/
Would remove packages/control-port-filter-python/
Would remove packages/gpg-bash-lib/
Would remove packages/grub-output-verbose/
Would remove packages/grub-screen-resolution/
Would remove packages/kde-common-resolution/
Would remove packages/kde-privacy/
Would remove packages/ksm/
Would remove packages/python-guimessages/
Would remove packages/qubes-whonix/
Would remove packages/usability-misc/
Would remove packages/whonix-developer-meta-files/
Would remove packages/whonix-host-firewall/
Would remove packages/whonix-libvirt/
Would remove packages/whonix-setup-wizard/
Would remove packages/whonix-welcome-page/
user@host:~/Whonix$ git clean -dff
Removing packages/apparmor-profile-gwenview/
Removing packages/control-port-filter-python/
Removing packages/gpg-bash-lib/
Removing packages/grub-output-verbose/
Removing packages/grub-screen-resolution/
Removing packages/kde-common-resolution/
Removing packages/kde-privacy/
Removing packages/ksm/
Removing packages/python-guimessages/
Removing packages/qubes-whonix/
Removing packages/usability-misc/
Removing packages/whonix-developer-meta-files/
Removing packages/whonix-host-firewall/
Removing packages/whonix-libvirt/
Removing packages/whonix-setup-wizard/
Removing packages/whonix-welcome-page/


user@host:~/Whonix$ git submodule update --init --recursive
Submodule ‘packages/anon-apt-sources-list’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-apt-sources-list’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-base-files’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-base-files’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-gpg-tweaks’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-gpg-tweaks’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-gw-base-files’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-gw-base-files’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-gw-build-upgrade-tor’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-gw-build-upgrade-tor’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-gw-dhcp-conf’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-gw-dhcp-conf’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-gw-dns-conf’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-gw-dns-conf’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-gw-first-run-notice’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-gw-first-run-notice’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-gw-kde-startmenu’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-gw-kde-startmenu’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-gw-leaktest’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-gw-leaktest’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-iceweasel-warning’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-iceweasel-warning’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-icon-pack’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-icon-pack’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-kde-streamiso’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-kde-streamiso’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-meta-packages’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-meta-packages’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-mixmaster’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-mixmaster’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-shared-build-apt-sources-tpo’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-shared-build-apt-sources-tpo’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-shared-build-ban-nonfree’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-shared-build-ban-nonfree’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-shared-build-fix-grub’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-shared-build-fix-grub’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-shared-build-inst-tb’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-shared-build-inst-tb’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-shared-build-log-build-version’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-shared-build-log-build-version’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-shared-build-remember-sources’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-shared-build-remember-sources’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-shared-build-sanity-checks’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-shared-build-sanity-checks’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-shared-build-upgrade-torsocks’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-shared-build-upgrade-torsocks’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-shared-helper-scripts’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-shared-helper-scripts’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-torchat’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-torchat’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-ws-base-files’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-ws-base-files’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-ws-dns-conf’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-ws-dns-conf’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-ws-kde-startmenu’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-ws-kde-startmenu’
Submodule ‘packages/anon-ws-leaktest’ () registered for path 'packages/anon-ws-leaktest’
Submodule ‘packages/apparmor-profile-anondist’ () registered for path 'packages/apparmor-profile-anondist’
Submodule ‘packages/apparmor-profile-icedove’ () registered for path 'packages/apparmor-profile-icedove’
Submodule ‘packages/apparmor-profile-okular’ () registered for path 'packages/apparmor-profile-okular’
Submodule ‘packages/apparmor-profile-pidgin’ () registered for path 'packages/apparmor-profile-pidgin’
Submodule ‘packages/apparmor-profile-sdwdate’ () registered for path 'packages/apparmor-profile-sdwdate’
Submodule ‘packages/apparmor-profile-timesync’ () registered for path 'packages/apparmor-profile-timesync’
Submodule ‘packages/apparmor-profile-torbrowser’ () registered for path 'packages/apparmor-profile-torbrowser’
Submodule ‘packages/apparmor-profile-virtualbox’ () registered for path 'packages/apparmor-profile-virtualbox’
Submodule ‘packages/apparmor-profile-whonixcheck’ () registered for path 'packages/apparmor-profile-whonixcheck’
Submodule ‘packages/apparmor-profile-xchat’ () registered for path 'packages/apparmor-profile-xchat’
Submodule ‘packages/bootclockrandomization’ () registered for path 'packages/bootclockrandomization’
Submodule ‘packages/control-port-filter’ () registered for path 'packages/control-port-filter’
Submodule ‘packages/curl-scripts’ () registered for path 'packages/curl-scripts’
Submodule ‘packages/damngpl’ () registered for path 'packages/damngpl’
Submodule ‘packages/gpl-sources-download’ () registered for path 'packages/gpl-sources-download’
Submodule ‘packages/grub-enable-apparmor’ () registered for path 'packages/grub-enable-apparmor’
Submodule ‘packages/ipv4-forward-disable’ () registered for path 'packages/ipv4-forward-disable’
Submodule ‘packages/ipv6-disable’ () registered for path 'packages/ipv6-disable’
Submodule ‘packages/kde-apper-no-autoupdate’ () registered for path 'packages/kde-apper-no-autoupdate’
Submodule ‘packages/kde-dolphin-menubar-enable’ () registered for path 'packages/kde-dolphin-menubar-enable’
Submodule ‘packages/kde-kdm-autologin’ () registered for path 'packages/kde-kdm-autologin’
Submodule ‘packages/kde-kgpg-tweaks’ () registered for path 'packages/kde-kgpg-tweaks’
Submodule ‘packages/kde-konsole-unlim-scrollback’ () registered for path 'packages/kde-konsole-unlim-scrollback’
Submodule ‘packages/kde-lowfat’ () registered for path 'packages/kde-lowfat’
Submodule ‘packages/kde-mouse-doubleclick’ () registered for path 'packages/kde-mouse-doubleclick’
Submodule ‘packages/kde-no-move-max-win’ () registered for path 'packages/kde-no-move-max-win’
Submodule ‘packages/kde-sounds-off’ () registered for path 'packages/kde-sounds-off’
Submodule ‘packages/kmix-disable-autostart’ () registered for path 'packages/kmix-disable-autostart’
Submodule ‘packages/knetattach-hide’ () registered for path 'packages/knetattach-hide’
Submodule ‘packages/msgcollector’ () registered for path 'packages/msgcollector’
Submodule ‘packages/open-link-confirmation’ () registered for path 'packages/open-link-confirmation’
Submodule ‘packages/pidgin-improved-privacy’ () registered for path 'packages/pidgin-improved-privacy’
Submodule ‘packages/pkg-manager-longer-timeouts’ () registered for path 'packages/pkg-manager-longer-timeouts’
Submodule ‘packages/pkg-manager-no-autoupdate’ () registered for path 'packages/pkg-manager-no-autoupdate’
Submodule ‘packages/power-savings-disable-in-vms’ () registered for path 'packages/power-savings-disable-in-vms’
Submodule ‘packages/poweroff-passwordless’ () registered for path 'packages/poweroff-passwordless’
Submodule ‘packages/rads’ () registered for path 'packages/rads’
Submodule ‘packages/scurl’ () registered for path 'packages/scurl’
Submodule ‘packages/sdwdate’ () registered for path 'packages/sdwdate’
Submodule ‘packages/sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check’ () registered for path 'packages/sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check’
Submodule ‘packages/sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-streamiso’ () registered for path 'packages/sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-streamiso’
Submodule ‘packages/shared-folder-help’ () registered for path 'packages/shared-folder-help’
Submodule ‘packages/swap-file-creator’ () registered for path 'packages/swap-file-creator’
Submodule ‘packages/swappiness-lowest’ () registered for path 'packages/swappiness-lowest’
Submodule ‘packages/tb-default-browser’ () registered for path 'packages/tb-default-browser’
Submodule ‘packages/tb-starter’ () registered for path 'packages/tb-starter’
Submodule ‘packages/tb-updater’ () registered for path 'packages/tb-updater’
Submodule ‘packages/tcp-timestamps-disable’ () registered for path 'packages/tcp-timestamps-disable’
Submodule ‘packages/timesanitycheck’ () registered for path 'packages/timesanitycheck’
Submodule ‘packages/timesync’ () registered for path 'packages/timesync’
Submodule ‘packages/timezone-utc’ () registered for path 'packages/timezone-utc’
Submodule ‘packages/tor-ctrl’ () registered for path 'packages/tor-ctrl’
Submodule ‘packages/uwt’ () registered for path 'packages/uwt’
Submodule ‘packages/vbox-disable-timesync’ () registered for path 'packages/vbox-disable-timesync’
Submodule ‘packages/whonix-base-files’ () registered for path 'packages/whonix-base-files’
Submodule ‘packages/whonix-gw-desktop-shortcuts’ () registered for path 'packages/whonix-gw-desktop-shortcuts’
Submodule ‘packages/whonix-gw-firewall’ () registered for path 'packages/whonix-gw-firewall’
Submodule ‘packages/whonix-gw-kde-desktop-conf’ () registered for path 'packages/whonix-gw-kde-desktop-conf’
Submodule ‘packages/whonix-gw-network-conf’ () registered for path 'packages/whonix-gw-network-conf’
Submodule ‘packages/whonix-initializer’ () registered for path 'packages/whonix-initializer’
Submodule ‘packages/whonix-legacy’ () registered for path 'packages/whonix-legacy’
Submodule ‘packages/whonix-repository’ () registered for path 'packages/whonix-repository’
Submodule ‘packages/whonix-ws-desktop-shortcuts’ () registered for path 'packages/whonix-ws-desktop-shortcuts’
Submodule ‘packages/whonix-ws-firewall’ () registered for path 'packages/whonix-ws-firewall’
Submodule ‘packages/whonix-ws-irc-chat-support’ () registered for path 'packages/whonix-ws-irc-chat-support’
Submodule ‘packages/whonix-ws-kde-desktop-conf’ () registered for path 'packages/whonix-ws-kde-desktop-conf’
Submodule ‘packages/whonix-ws-network-conf’ () registered for path 'packages/whonix-ws-network-conf’
Submodule ‘packages/whonix-ws-start-menu-additions’ () registered for path 'packages/whonix-ws-start-menu-additions’
Submodule ‘packages/whonixcheck’ () registered for path 'packages/whonixcheck’
Submodule ‘packages/whonixsetup’ () registered for path 'packages/whonixsetup’
Submodule ‘packages/xchat-improved-privacy’ () registered for path 'packages/xchat-improved-privacy’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-apt-sources-list’: checked out '241cb4e2694676bafbc36607fa7a4a487978150f’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-base-files’: checked out '59c8e36e2bcfb8a38ce63a0bcead7c0f589fa090’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-gpg-tweaks’: checked out '599fd3474bc4738f6af0c9e52ab5c585dbf9133f’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config’: checked out '2777d2e899789d930d3c16beccbbc37c16a0bdd8’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-gw-base-files’: checked out 'a303f50aea6f55f904b25d2ca3a0764ac93e0c29’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-gw-build-upgrade-tor’: checked out '91670d83e244c93e0e6929bc38ba0eab458054fa’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-gw-dhcp-conf’: checked out '39595d229d32f6663fa09d3e4452ce3276a5a6f9’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-gw-dns-conf’: checked out 'cb1062d1e34a3ef4720c62a6989e84c50fb16eba’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-gw-first-run-notice’: checked out '5fb7ffa5e1ccceba1ba860dfec37863b9ea0c74a’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-gw-kde-startmenu’: checked out 'd5ef6aed3202148998bcdee52d3b66049837a0d9’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-gw-leaktest’: checked out '62c8243d2f6b3459c1ca4759448ae4ad5d0a87bf’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-iceweasel-warning’: checked out '98e2b2b287ced820e4eae4117891e39ddf62c77b’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-icon-pack’: checked out '05a6b076b780a86397cd6bfa88096a62f9f23840’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-kde-streamiso’: checked out 'a49d42a044aff546a2e29d4d8e6c1402170bd97f’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-meta-packages’: checked out '632554ddf715ac6e058f71b111556c108f4a9a9b’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-mixmaster’: checked out 'bce59feef53aa0d12c6f203b2cc0d0e9e9a120c4’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-shared-build-apt-sources-tpo’: checked out 'd293f864736c1b2ce0aa516b0dbacf47f34f7b36’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-shared-build-ban-nonfree’: checked out '5c5f8c051fada2e957208caff412c73d01b9c748’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-shared-build-fix-grub’: checked out '63722cb74f66701af4628469b9c8f91cbe2233b3’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-shared-build-inst-tb’: checked out 'b854350afdd3ae65a811d97058988704cefa17fa’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-shared-build-log-build-version’: checked out 'f962d990b5efb9974f63618a8c3c6576257a412b’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-shared-build-remember-sources’: checked out 'b946953e114d5a8b42f8fcfa1c07c1aa8fa0c640’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-shared-build-sanity-checks’: checked out '3051d7179e567ba0965de3e8de662de8fd79c333’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-shared-build-upgrade-torsocks’: checked out '8eeb5ac06892ee03caf7756b5b3b06c7a74ee50c’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-shared-helper-scripts’: checked out 'f0f2614a91166eb37cdf3ef128c0e99e299018e4’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-torchat’: checked out 'c7499a4847be54306c1946f238f572bbc3025ca8’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-ws-base-files’: checked out '7b7402b2ae8e8c7ee707c4651607750e8310a210’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor’: checked out '0dc10daf766efffd197841751c6f15b7c00fd112’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-ws-dns-conf’: checked out '1fd045a009f3b94fa9edf83cde4c6d65203ca7a3’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-ws-kde-startmenu’: checked out '473e858f269918725625ffe3cd74ef3d1461f5ee’
Submodule path ‘packages/anon-ws-leaktest’: checked out 'daf0266786774cad51ca347aa921fa1066ff5b2f’
Submodule path ‘packages/apparmor-profile-anondist’: checked out '4a23350b544a26a9934d7daf2c447c27b531dfba’
Submodule path ‘packages/apparmor-profile-icedove’: checked out '306fbc85deac9d156af5d5378dfece4fc880a76e’
Submodule path ‘packages/apparmor-profile-okular’: checked out '2d00f905219bf8c82699897c84897e6c31f5cd29’
Submodule path ‘packages/apparmor-profile-pidgin’: checked out 'd38e98a1300d2881ea8e752fc73261cf0d0768dd’
Submodule path ‘packages/apparmor-profile-sdwdate’: checked out '58f5f3de96c4666b6e434a68b2eb8e5b414bea9f’
Submodule path ‘packages/apparmor-profile-timesync’: checked out '197132f034cfa2d74f2a4d6f0a511f5751e7cefb’
Submodule path ‘packages/apparmor-profile-torbrowser’: checked out '3d2d52b50653b2d271e68b95d8de9c17f51a37bc’
Submodule path ‘packages/apparmor-profile-virtualbox’: checked out '69d73d2cfa9cc48e088776de9cdecb64e32a5d50’
Submodule path ‘packages/apparmor-profile-whonixcheck’: checked out '44d3b6aa0553d5941773c37f1fcb41456823569c’
Submodule path ‘packages/apparmor-profile-xchat’: checked out '4cbe6d24c23eb36433bcdf3e0147171e86659166’
Submodule path ‘packages/bootclockrandomization’: checked out '3a4595f2b276589920a983e00af1b3f3df273b46’
Submodule path ‘packages/control-port-filter’: checked out '639b6c7e04f05950bc388084dfa4abe673a8fe87’
Submodule path ‘packages/curl-scripts’: checked out '38d04b6756288daffd7331c5c275ccae8536bf70’
Submodule path ‘packages/damngpl’: checked out 'bce41c0b3691e268e82dfabf6965364470e299fa’
Submodule path ‘packages/gpl-sources-download’: checked out 'ae6f25fba1f2cc501dd4cbe76d31f930e6038138’
Submodule path ‘packages/grub-enable-apparmor’: checked out '3fc0924aca9f2111ad4f1dcd668ce752e3c8ad5a’
Submodule path ‘packages/ipv4-forward-disable’: checked out '11cec8f39d303b42347ec7e73479ee61e13778a4’
Submodule path ‘packages/ipv6-disable’: checked out 'fa5855db035843ee8ffcd12fe41ab5753cf321a7’
Submodule path ‘packages/kde-apper-no-autoupdate’: checked out '6385fcc394395b6a8238ceae5c44259e575f9dde’
Submodule path ‘packages/kde-dolphin-menubar-enable’: checked out '0b09f7d501c943bfc3334349a890064741e25897’
Submodule path ‘packages/kde-kdm-autologin’: checked out '75d51c3ad5db91105999194acda22e1ddedb9346’
Submodule path ‘packages/kde-kgpg-tweaks’: checked out '376c568384ede1064a458fe221cf7eeffe47a0ab’
Submodule path ‘packages/kde-konsole-unlim-scrollback’: checked out '45935fc28c7a68798e06738285e20b16c855c315’
Submodule path ‘packages/kde-lowfat’: checked out '47b6c8f17a7857fd76a70b9adeffb69950a72fd3’
Submodule path ‘packages/kde-mouse-doubleclick’: checked out 'b1603341c3d7de237764f5618002f3f61c1440fa’
Submodule path ‘packages/kde-no-move-max-win’: checked out '6f631144bbc5d058dc128f900ae3f40bb6c190f3’
Submodule path ‘packages/kde-sounds-off’: checked out '5cc725103d6881931cd2dac9d5f7ce9df6537726’
Submodule path ‘packages/kmix-disable-autostart’: checked out 'b7c120b099fd562d4ffc8fa43158ba91e46881fa’
Submodule path ‘packages/knetattach-hide’: checked out '7573e125974277a85e39056b698e1cb00068725f’
Submodule path ‘packages/msgcollector’: checked out '57b9cf565e7d6faf28b883f9a135d14301342700’
Submodule path ‘packages/open-link-confirmation’: checked out '3c4cbcda64077c6aa9f3c51080d2553ee2ec0f9d’
Submodule path ‘packages/pidgin-improved-privacy’: checked out '24cd114ffdfc7cd443a4eb029bcc516dd2029f9f’
Submodule path ‘packages/pkg-manager-longer-timeouts’: checked out '66029bc513863ff093922a90279e8d0b1929ea53’
Submodule path ‘packages/pkg-manager-no-autoupdate’: checked out '72dec1a4f8113774fefd5b1fd38661ec9e813d2a’
Submodule path ‘packages/power-savings-disable-in-vms’: checked out '38c38688d803140ef9cb319cb2801beb59529f59’
Submodule path ‘packages/poweroff-passwordless’: checked out 'f74a4ad5eb9c4cc80e9f2a07670d4841a0205288’
Submodule path ‘packages/rads’: checked out 'a4444382c5a8887a224cd0504a0c9a89090b036e’
Submodule path ‘packages/scurl’: checked out 'b1d70f6234b14e80882621e97aaf52214cfd7c63’
Submodule path ‘packages/sdwdate’: checked out '550badcf3c1c8637753e07ec4327283d6844aa9a’
Submodule path ‘packages/sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-con-check’: checked out '7cc0ef7a7805e6640bc7bf11b06b103bad6ee6bc’
Submodule path ‘packages/sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-streamiso’: checked out 'b87c8ffe917e5f125d28df0a71df8fe43ddfc82b’
Submodule path ‘packages/shared-folder-help’: checked out '52d7b1e6202a648bd4f76117f0603e1969475d23’
Submodule path ‘packages/swap-file-creator’: checked out '3819ba2c3f58646e0786b6ea3bd2bec98fbffce0’
Submodule path ‘packages/swappiness-lowest’: checked out '3c936275cd7e5966807667c7da731bcf267772ca’
Submodule path ‘packages/tb-default-browser’: checked out '906ef24d7be1f205bc4802e83ba1b0185c9e4d80’
Submodule path ‘packages/tb-starter’: checked out '13db5d2f86b768e034a2b36e5fbcaa133b25addb’
Submodule path ‘packages/tb-updater’: checked out 'ab20094619acc9a8331cdc779948f99bad605a94’
Submodule path ‘packages/tcp-timestamps-disable’: checked out '0f58883d8de8224249874e003f6c55720a06b1b0’
Submodule path ‘packages/timesanitycheck’: checked out 'b5ed123f931d55d3163e0ebb62ba1f7c5a607be5’
Submodule path ‘packages/timesync’: checked out '867f39a5a44b1ef6013ef8350133dec3fc50b639’
Submodule path ‘packages/timezone-utc’: checked out 'be63617b3be960687c2e2f570f4ef3d313f0e6c6’
Submodule path ‘packages/tor-ctrl’: checked out '773a02c4aa5cc28f948a098a1ed66005b7b054e9’
Submodule path ‘packages/uwt’: checked out '10ce69d7dea6f1812c0bb8d78b3dd6eda12aa73f’
Submodule path ‘packages/vbox-disable-timesync’: checked out '2a9d124649d62f85ce25d610f7733b0082cdfd9c’
Submodule path ‘packages/whonix-base-files’: checked out '4ff7af21a46bfe103583da4148c152e46c3b6455’
Submodule path ‘packages/whonix-gw-desktop-shortcuts’: checked out 'c479b9fa69dd4ce346f75cb5c02ed9c4dc146cf0’
Submodule path ‘packages/whonix-gw-firewall’: checked out '2bb4613676c9792b6cfad9bd018af065f24ce1e2’
Submodule path ‘packages/whonix-gw-kde-desktop-conf’: checked out 'e010e0955bdab14cf9e820f90f705b096835e6e3’
Submodule path ‘packages/whonix-gw-network-conf’: checked out 'cc63aed3746e51aec591d25e266b963eaad33485’
Submodule path ‘packages/whonix-initializer’: checked out '98ad409fad5caa95bbb963d5abc937399c13cd5f’
Submodule path ‘packages/whonix-legacy’: checked out '6b353cdcaa1af5688ba28df88a55f6162bab4ccc’
Submodule path ‘packages/whonix-repository’: checked out 'bdc1e31875a7e39795c4054267afdb5339a7bb1c’
Submodule path ‘packages/whonix-ws-desktop-shortcuts’: checked out '87d6846155d5519dd731989ef02119bee2edb8b8’
Submodule path ‘packages/whonix-ws-firewall’: checked out 'cae8646b03473ddb02117fc2fe73b28a294a3ec4’
Submodule path ‘packages/whonix-ws-irc-chat-support’: checked out 'ffd40f7ff92798bc795edd3696e9672be575a64c’
Submodule path ‘packages/whonix-ws-kde-desktop-conf’: checked out '7459cc9e638b908a43ef17454a5b32de89e57f57’
Submodule path ‘packages/whonix-ws-network-conf’: checked out '2df592cc65ae9218e0a5c1d14a10e658054bf438’
Submodule path ‘packages/whonix-ws-start-menu-additions’: checked out '127f9c767266065959961d4fe318e1e2161c94ac’
Submodule path ‘packages/whonixcheck’: checked out 'cd104d07befe7a674d37b6f324eac135bf37159d’
Submodule path ‘packages/whonixsetup’: checked out '722ede51e00e4cd534192bd26747483736f6971c’
Submodule path ‘packages/xchat-improved-privacy’: checked out ‘cde150678646c3a36577cf30cf435b34e51826f4’


user@host:~/Whonix$ git status --porcelain


user@host:~/Whonix$ sudo ./whonix_build --tor-gateway --terminal-only --install-to-root --build >> ~/log-phyiso 2>&1
[sudo] password for user:


That type of error could go away with: --current-sources

Great, thank-you! No errors and whonixcheck says OK