discourse is javascript based. Relatively new. Most spam bot code hasn’t been rewritten in javascript yet.
Your phabricator account has been approved. If you have any problems with login please let me know.
Phabricator requires manual account approvals. Could you please give a brief overview of what you want to report along with the name that was used for account sign-up.
Please note, this is required before I can approve any account that uses a disposable email address.
Hi, I am sorry for using a disposable email, I’ve decided to move to a permanent email now (although I still can check a disposable one). I hope it is possible to change email in phabricator account just like here on forum (which I already did).
I’m not sure whether I really need a phabricator account right now, cause I’ve decided to make a forum post about my issue instead, it might need more discussion, I don’t know… The issue is about broken scurl
wrapper original logic and its usage examples/instructions on Whonix Wiki.
I’m not a proper developer, just a regular Whonix user, just tried to go into it a little deeper, so that’s how I faced this issue. Maybe I’ll find more, maybe not, so not sure if it’s worth it to approve me. But at least I’m using Whonix on a regular basis, so maybe some day I’ll get more to report.
name that was used for account sign-up
I used the same name as here: Xavier
Xavier via Whonix Forum:
Hi, I am sorry for using a disposable email, I’ve decided to move to a permanent email now (although I still can check a disposable one). I hope it is possible to change email on phabricator account just like here on forum (which I already did).
I’m not sure whether I really need a phabricator account right now, cause I’ve decided to make a forum post about my issue instead, it might need more discussion, I don’t know… The issue is about brokenscurl
wrapper original logic and its usage examples/instructions on Whonix Wiki.
No worries, I just needed to confirm that you’re not a bot, and verify
that was your phabricator account. I sent an email to the address you
provided. So take a look when you get a free moment. If you have any
problems please let me know.