Network time synchronization error popup

each new whonix 11 installation (specially the gateway) this error message appear:-

also while using whonix 11 , from time to time always it popup this message:-

the output of tail -f -n 20 /var/log/sdwdate.log

so is this normal to always ignore or run the timesync again ?

I dhaven’t this error .
Verify the image or control the network connectivity on the host .
Can you connect to internet after ?

pretty sure yes because tor didnt disconnected even with this message poppedup

each new whonix 11 installation (specially the gateway) this error message appear:-

Either connecting to Tor hidden services is very slow right after Tor bootstrapping.

Or something else, let’s go to.

also while using whonix 11 , from time to time always it popup this message:-

Have a log into the full log

kwrite /var/log/sdwdate.log

Is it always the same Tor hidden services that are failing? Can you reach them using Tor Browser? If not, we need to remove them from the pool lists.

this is the output of kwrite /var/log/sdwdate.log:- (im always confusing between kwrite /var/log/sdwdate.log and tail -f -n 20 /var/log/sdwdate.log)

818: Running sdwdate... pid: 818 | LD_PRELOAD: 818: sdwdate_preparation: who_ami is set to user. 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PRE (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_pre --autostart --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PRE done. 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_ONE | array_length: 14 | allowed_member_failures: 5 | temp: 4.76 | array_length_remember: 0 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: daemon) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 818: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 15 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} done. 818: get : poulsensqiv6ocq4.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 07:46:31 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: Wired's Kevin Poulsen poulsensqiv6ocq4.onion 818: result: poulsensqiv6ocq4.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 07:46:35 UTC 2015 | status: success | took: 5s | diff: 2 second(s) 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 30 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} done. 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_TWO | array_length: 17 | allowed_member_failures: 6 | temp: 5.78 | array_length_remember: 0 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: daemon) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 818: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 45 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} done. 818: get : ur5b2b4brz427ygh.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 07:46:36 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: Nawaatleaks [40] 2014-March-27 Activism ur5b2b4brz427ygh.onion Tunisia 818: result: ur5b2b4brz427ygh.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 07:46:40 UTC 2015 | status: failed | took: 4s | download_tool_exit_code: 2 | stdout: | stderr: connect error: 0x05: Connection refused 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_TWO | array_length: 17 | allowed_member_failures: 6 | temp: 5.78 | array_length_remember: 1 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: daemon) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 818: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 45 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} done. 818: get : ppdz5djzpo3w5k2z.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 07:46:41 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: WildLeaks [34][35][36][37][38][39] 2014-February-7 WildLife Crime Activism ppdz5djzpo3w5k2z.onion United States/Africa 818: result: ppdz5djzpo3w5k2z.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 07:46:44 UTC 2015 | status: success | took: 4s | diff: 165 second(s) 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 60 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} done. 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_THREE | array_length: 11 | allowed_member_failures: 4 | temp: 3.74 | array_length_remember: 0 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: daemon) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 818: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 65 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} done. 818: get : uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 07:46:45 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: 818: result: uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 07:46:49 UTC 2015 | status: success | took: 5s | diff: -2 second(s) 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 80 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} done. 818: Results summary: one: 2 | two: 165 | three: -2 | second(s) 818: Min: -2 | Max: 165 | Median diff: 2 second(s) [2000000000 nanosecond(s)] 818: local unixtime : 1443080809 | local time : Thu Sep 24 07:46:49 UTC 2015 818: remote unixtime: 1443080811 | remote time: Thu Sep 24 07:46:51 UTC 2015 818: Made up random extra: -0.987274230 second[s] [-987274230 nanosecond(s)]. 818: require time change: +1.01 second(s) [1012725770 nanosecond(s)] 818: Launching into background: sudo INLINEDIR=/var/cache/sdwdate/sclockadj /usr/lib/sdwdate/sclockadj --no-verbose --no-debug --no-first-wait --move-min 500000 --move-max 500000 --wait-min 1000000000 --wait-max 1000000000 --add 1012725770 818: Started subshell for sclockadj with pid: 15294 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: start 818: dispatching DISPATCH_POST_SUCCESS (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_post_success --autostart --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: + find /var/cache/sdwdate -printf '%p %u %g %m\n' 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: /var/cache/sdwdate root root 755 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: /var/cache/sdwdate/sclockadj root root 700 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: /var/cache/sdwdate/sclockadj/.ruby_inline root root 700 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: /var/cache/sdwdate/sclockadj/.ruby_inline/ruby-2.1.5 root root 700 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: /var/cache/sdwdate/sclockadj/.ruby_inline/ruby-2.1.5/Inline_Cinline_45aeaf467303ff06d9c25b91daa74e32.c root root 644 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: /var/cache/sdwdate/sclockadj/.ruby_inline/ruby-2.1.5/ root root 755 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: + true '$?: 0' 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: sdwdate_subshell_time_start: Time before running sclockadj: 1443080810.043678559 [Thu Sep 24 07:46:50 UTC 2015] 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: sdwdate_subshell_wait: Waiting for pid to finish SDWDATE_SCLOCKADJ_COMMAND_PID: 15340 818: dispatching DISPATCH_POST_SUCCESS done. 818: Sleeping for 130 minutes. (RANDOMIZE: 1) 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: sdwdate_subshell_wait: SDWDATE_SCLOCKADJ_COMMAND_PID: 15340 | SDWDATE_SCLOCKADJ_COMMAND_EXIT_CODE: 0 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: sdwdate_subshell_time_end: was running for 2028 s [~ 33.80 min] [~ 0.56 h]. 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: sdwdate_subshell_time_end: Time after running sclockadj: 1443082838.091969473 [Thu Sep 24 08:20:38 UTC 2015] 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: exit code: 0 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: end 818: Running sdwdate... pid: 818 | LD_PRELOAD: 818: sdwdate_preparation: who_ami is set to user. 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PRE (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_pre --autostart --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PRE done. 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_ONE | array_length: 14 | allowed_member_failures: 5 | temp: 4.76 | array_length_remember: 0 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: daemon) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 818: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 15 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} done. 818: get : y6xjgkgwj47us5ca.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 09:56:54 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: The Intercept y6xjgkgwj47us5ca.onion 818: result: y6xjgkgwj47us5ca.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 09:57:03 UTC 2015 | status: success | took: 10s | diff: 0 second(s) 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 30 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} done. 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_TWO | array_length: 17 | allowed_member_failures: 6 | temp: 5.78 | array_length_remember: 0 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: daemon) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 818: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 45 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} done. 818: get : yn6ocmvu4ok3k3al.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 09:57:04 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: Publeaks [27][28] 2013-September-9 +40 National/Local Media Consortium yn6ocmvu4ok3k3al.onion Netherlands 818: result: yn6ocmvu4ok3k3al.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 09:57:12 UTC 2015 | status: failed | took: 9s | download_tool_exit_code: 2 | stdout: | stderr: connect error: 0x04: Host unreachable 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_TWO | array_length: 17 | allowed_member_failures: 6 | temp: 5.78 | array_length_remember: 1 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: daemon) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 818: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 45 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} done. 818: get : bqs3dobnazs7h4u4.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 09:57:13 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: ExtremeLeaks 2014-June-18 Investigative Journalism bqs3dobnazs7h4u4.onion Norway 818: result: bqs3dobnazs7h4u4.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 09:57:17 UTC 2015 | status: success | took: 5s | diff: 0 second(s) 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 60 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} done. 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_THREE | array_length: 11 | allowed_member_failures: 4 | temp: 3.74 | array_length_remember: 0 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: daemon) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 818: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 65 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} done. 818: get : zsolxunfmbfuq7wf.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 09:57:17 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: zsolxunfmbfuq7wf.onion (port 995) 818: result: zsolxunfmbfuq7wf.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 09:57:21 UTC 2015 | status: success | took: 4s | diff: 1 second(s) 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 80 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} done. 818: Results summary: one: 0 | two: 0 | three: 1 | second(s) 818: Min: 0 | Max: 1 | Median diff: 0 second(s) [0 nanosecond(s)] 818: local unixtime : 1443088642 | local time : Thu Sep 24 09:57:22 UTC 2015 818: remote unixtime: 1443088642 | remote time: Thu Sep 24 09:57:22 UTC 2015 818: sdwdate_terminate_sclockadj: subshell for sclockadj with pid 15294 no longer running. Exit code: 0 818: sdwdate_terminate_sclockadj: subshell for sclockadj with pid 15294 exited with expected zero exit code: 0 818: require time change: 0 second(s) [0 nanosecond(s)] 818: No need to set clock. 818: dispatching DISPATCH_POST_SUCCESS (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_post_success --autostart --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" 818: dispatching DISPATCH_POST_SUCCESS done. 818: Sleeping for 160 minutes. (RANDOMIZE: 1) 818: sdwdate (not timesync!): signal SIGTERM received... 818: sdwdate (not timesync!): signal SIGTERM received. Cleaning up... 818: sdwdate (not timesync!): signal SIGTERM received. Exiting. 818: Running sdwdate... pid: 818 | LD_PRELOAD: 818: sdwdate_preparation: who_ami is set to user. 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PRE (SDW_MODE: startup): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_pre --autostart --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PRE done. 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_ONE | array_length: 14 | allowed_member_failures: 5 | temp: 4.76 | array_length_remember: 0 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: startup) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 818: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} (SDW_MODE: startup): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 15 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} done. 818: get : pubdrop4dw6rk3aq.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 19:13:50 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: ProPublica pubdrop4dw6rk3aq.onion 818: result: pubdrop4dw6rk3aq.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 19:13:59 UTC 2015 | status: failed | took: 17s | download_tool_exit_code: 2 | stdout: | stderr: connect error: 0x04: Host unreachable 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_ONE | array_length: 14 | allowed_member_failures: 5 | temp: 4.76 | array_length_remember: 1 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: startup) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 818: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} (SDW_MODE: startup): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 15 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} done. 818: get : znig4bc5rlwyj4mz.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 19:13:59 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: ExposeFacts znig4bc5rlwyj4mz.onion 818: result: znig4bc5rlwyj4mz.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 19:14:04 UTC 2015 | status: success | took: 5s | diff: -28795 second(s) 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} (SDW_MODE: startup): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 30 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} done. 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_TWO | array_length: 17 | allowed_member_failures: 6 | temp: 5.78 | array_length_remember: 0 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: startup) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 818: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} (SDW_MODE: startup): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 45 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} done. 818: get : 5r4bjnjug3apqdii.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 19:14:05 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: ExpoLeaks[44] [45] [46] 2014-June-10 Investigative Journalism 5r4bjnjug3apqdii.onion Italy 818: result: 5r4bjnjug3apqdii.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 19:14:10 UTC 2015 | status: success | took: 6s | diff: -28795 second(s) 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} (SDW_MODE: startup): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 60 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} done. 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_THREE | array_length: 11 | allowed_member_failures: 4 | temp: 3.74 | array_length_remember: 0 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: startup) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 818: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} (SDW_MODE: startup): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 65 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} done. 818: get : uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 19:14:11 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: 818: result: uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 19:14:16 UTC 2015 | status: success | took: 6s | diff: -28798 second(s) 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} (SDW_MODE: startup): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 80 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} done. 818: Results summary: one: -28795 | two: -28795 | three: -28798 | second(s) 818: Min: -28798 | Max: -28795 | Median diff: -28795 second(s) [-28795000000000 nanosecond(s)] 818: local unixtime : 1443122057 | local time : Thu Sep 24 19:14:17 UTC 2015 818: remote unixtime: 1443093262 | remote time: Thu Sep 24 11:14:22 UTC 2015 818: Made up random extra: -0.025621797 second[s] [-25621797 nanosecond(s)]. 818: Time before setting: 1443122057.130512591 [Thu Sep 24 19:14:17 UTC 2015] 818: require time change: -28795.02 second(s) [-28795025621797 nanosecond(s)] 818: Setting time using `date` to 1443093261.974378203... 818: Time after setting using: 1443093261.976069266 [Thu Sep 24 11:14:21 UTC 2015] 818: dispatching DISPATCH_POST_SUCCESS (SDW_MODE: startup): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_post_success --autostart --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" 818: dispatching DISPATCH_POST_SUCCESS done. 818: Sleeping for 83 minutes. (RANDOMIZE: 1)

Is it always the same Tor hidden services that are failing? Can you reach them using Tor Browser? If not, we need to remove them from the pool lists.

well i just browse the Tor hidden services through the hidden wikis so i enter to many different websties so some r reachable and some may not; but i dont have specific one

Have an eye on the logs, what they’re actually saying. Search for ‘status: failed’. Example:

That’s that Tor hidden services I am talking about. No others. Is it always the same ones that are failing? Can you reach those by using Tor Browser?

i have almost repeated every website (or wiki) that i have visited before , but i didnt receive any errors. so i donno how to answer this question specifically but in general the errors did not appeared. do u think its due to the opening time of the machine ? the longer time to spend opening whonix the more apparently the error going to be appeared ?!

I mean, if the log contains for example.

818: result: ur5b2b4brz427ygh.onion:80 | local time: Thu Sep 24 07:46:40 UTC 2015 | status: failed  | took: 4s | download_tool_exit_code: 2 | stdout:  | stderr: connect error: 0x05: Connection refused

Then try to open ur5b2b4brz427ygh.onion in Tor Browser. If it doesn’t work, while everything else works just fine, and if the issue persists…

For example, ur5b2b4brz427ygh.onion has just been removed from the list, because it’s down, thanks to your report.


oh well thats good to hear , glad its helping. thnx :slight_smile:

seems this problem should be configered as persistent, c this:-

c the image:-

the output of kwrite /var/log/sdwdate.log:-

818: Running sdwdate... pid: 818 | LD_PRELOAD: 818: sdwdate_preparation: who_ami is set to user. 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PRE (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_pre --autostart --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PRE done. 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_ONE | array_length: 14 | allowed_member_failures: 5 | temp: 4.76 | array_length_remember: 0 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: daemon) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 818: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 15 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} done. 818: get : hkjpnjbvhrxjvikd.onion:80 | local time: Tue Sep 29 08:25:02 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: Radio24syv hkjpnjbvhrxjvikd.onion 818: result: hkjpnjbvhrxjvikd.onion:80 | local time: Tue Sep 29 08:25:08 UTC 2015 | status: failed | took: 7s | download_tool_exit_code: 2 | stdout: | stderr: connect error: 0x04: Host unreachable 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_ONE | array_length: 14 | allowed_member_failures: 5 | temp: 4.76 | array_length_remember: 1 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_ONE | array_length: 14 | allowed_member_failures: 5 | temp: 4.76 | array_length_remember: 1 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: daemon) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 818: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 15 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} done. 818: get : dqeasamlf3jld2kz.onion:80 | local time: Tue Sep 29 08:25:09 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: Project On Gov't Oversight (POGO) dqeasamlf3jld2kz.onion 818: result: dqeasamlf3jld2kz.onion:80 | local time: Tue Sep 29 08:25:13 UTC 2015 | status: success | took: 5s | diff: 13 second(s) 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 30 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} done. 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_TWO | array_length: 17 | allowed_member_failures: 6 | temp: 5.78 | array_length_remember: 0 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: daemon) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 818: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 45 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} done. 818: get : 6iolddfbfinntq2b.onion:80 | local time: Tue Sep 29 08:25:14 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: Brussels Leaks 2014-October 24 Europe Focus Anticorruption Transparency Activism 6iolddfbfinntq2b.onion Belgium 818: result: 6iolddfbfinntq2b.onion:80 | local time: Tue Sep 29 08:25:18 UTC 2015 | status: failed | took: 5s | download_tool_exit_code: 2 | stdout: | stderr: connect error: 0x05: Connection refused 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_TWO | array_length: 17 | allowed_member_failures: 6 | temp: 5.78 | array_length_remember: 1 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: daemon) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 818: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 45 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} done. 818: get : w6csjytbrl273che.onion:80 | local time: Tue Sep 29 08:25:18 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: Filtrala [41][42] 2014-April-23 Anticorruption Activism w6csjytbrl273che.onion Spain 818: result: w6csjytbrl273che.onion:80 | local time: Tue Sep 29 08:25:21 UTC 2015 | status: success | took: 3s | diff: -15 second(s) 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 60 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} done. 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_THREE | array_length: 11 | allowed_member_failures: 4 | temp: 3.74 | array_length_remember: 0 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: daemon) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 818: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 65 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} done. 818: get : cwoiopiifrlzcuos.onion:80 | local time: Tue Sep 29 08:25:22 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: cwoiopiifrlzcuos.onion (port 443) 818: result: cwoiopiifrlzcuos.onion:80 | local time: Tue Sep 29 08:25:26 UTC 2015 | status: success | took: 5s | diff: 13 second(s) 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 80 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} done. 818: Results summary: one: 13 | two: -15 | three: 13 | second(s) 818: Min: -15 | Max: 13 | Median diff: 13 second(s) [13000000000 nanosecond(s)] 818: local unixtime : 1443515126 | local time : Tue Sep 29 08:25:26 UTC 2015 818: remote unixtime: 1443515139 | remote time: Tue Sep 29 08:25:39 UTC 2015 818: Made up random extra: -0.740014681 second[s] [-740014681 nanosecond(s)]. 818: require time change: +12.25 second(s) [12259985319 nanosecond(s)] 818: Launching into background: sudo INLINEDIR=/var/cache/sdwdate/sclockadj /usr/lib/sdwdate/sclockadj --no-verbose --no-debug --no-first-wait --move-min 500000 --move-max 500000 --wait-min 1000000000 --wait-max 1000000000 --add 12259985319 818: Started subshell for sclockadj with pid: 28787 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: start 818: dispatching DISPATCH_POST_SUCCESS (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_post_success --autostart --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: + find /var/cache/sdwdate -printf '%p %u %g %m\n' 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: /var/cache/sdwdate root root 755 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: /var/cache/sdwdate/sclockadj root root 700 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: /var/cache/sdwdate/sclockadj/.ruby_inline root root 700 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: /var/cache/sdwdate/sclockadj/.ruby_inline/ruby-2.1.5 root root 700 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: /var/cache/sdwdate/sclockadj/.ruby_inline/ruby-2.1.5/Inline_Cinline_45aeaf467303ff06d9c25b91daa74e32.c root root 644 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: /var/cache/sdwdate/sclockadj/.ruby_inline/ruby-2.1.5/ root root 755 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: + true '$?: 0' 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: sdwdate_subshell_time_start: Time before running sclockadj: 1443515126.771681704 [Tue Sep 29 08:25:26 UTC 2015] 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: sdwdate_subshell_wait: Waiting for pid to finish SDWDATE_SCLOCKADJ_COMMAND_PID: 28832 818: dispatching DISPATCH_POST_SUCCESS done. 818: Sleeping for 68 minutes. (RANDOMIZE: 1) 818: Running sdwdate... pid: 818 | LD_PRELOAD: 818: sdwdate_preparation: who_ami is set to user. 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PRE (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_pre --autostart --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PRE done. 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_ONE | array_length: 14 | allowed_member_failures: 5 | temp: 4.76 | array_length_remember: 0 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: daemon) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 818: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 15 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} done. 818: get : tigas3l7uusztiqu.onion:80 | local time: Tue Sep 29 09:33:32 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: tinkerer at ProPublica in New York 818: result: tigas3l7uusztiqu.onion:80 | local time: Tue Sep 29 09:33:37 UTC 2015 | status: success | took: 6s | diff: 294 second(s) 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 30 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} done. 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_TWO | array_length: 17 | allowed_member_failures: 6 | temp: 5.78 | array_length_remember: 0 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: daemon) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 818: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 45 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} done. 818: get : 5r4bjnjug3apqdii.onion:80 | local time: Tue Sep 29 09:33:38 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: Irpileaks[29][30] 2013-October-7 Investigative Journalism 5r4bjnjug3apqdii.onion Italy 818: result: 5r4bjnjug3apqdii.onion:80 | local time: Tue Sep 29 09:33:44 UTC 2015 | status: success | took: 7s | diff: 10 second(s) 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 60 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} done. 818: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_THREE | array_length: 11 | allowed_member_failures: 4 | temp: 3.74 | array_length_remember: 0 818: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: daemon) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 818: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 65 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} done. 818: get : dju2peblv7upfz3q.onion:80 | local time: Tue Sep 29 09:33:44 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: 818: result: dju2peblv7upfz3q.onion:80 | local time: Tue Sep 29 09:33:50 UTC 2015 | status: success | took: 6s | diff: 10 second(s) 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 80 818: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} done. 818: Results summary: one: 294 | two: 10 | three: 10 | second(s) 818: Min: 10 | Max: 294 | Median diff: 10 second(s) [10000000000 nanosecond(s)] 818: local unixtime : 1443519230 | local time : Tue Sep 29 09:33:50 UTC 2015 818: remote unixtime: 1443519240 | remote time: Tue Sep 29 09:34:00 UTC 2015 818: sdwdate_terminate_sclockadj: subshell for sclockadj with pid 28787 still running. Terminating... 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: sdwdate_subshell_trap_sigterm: SIGTERM received. 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: sdwdate_subshell_trap_sigterm: executing: sudo /usr/lib/sdwdate/sclockadj_kill_helper 28832 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: sdwdate_subshell_trap_sigterm: sclockadj_kill_helper_output: kill -sigterm 28832 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: sdwdate_subshell_wait: SDWDATE_SCLOCKADJ_COMMAND_PID: 28832 | SDWDATE_SCLOCKADJ_COMMAND_EXIT_CODE: 143 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: Exiting... 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: sdwdate_subshell_time_end: was running for 4105 s [~ 68.41 min] [~ 1.14 h]. 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: sdwdate_subshell_time_end: Time after running sclockadj: 1443519231.061416510 [Tue Sep 29 09:33:51 UTC 2015] 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: exit code: 143 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: end 818: sdwdate_terminate_sclockadj: subshell for sclockadj with pid 28787 Terminated. Exit code: 143 818: sdwdate_terminate_sclockadj: subshell for sclockadj with pid 28787 exited with expected non-zero exit code (sigterm): 143 818: Made up random extra: -0.289473699 second[s] [-289473699 nanosecond(s)]. 818: require time change: +9.71 second(s) [9710526301 nanosecond(s)] 818: Launching into background: sudo INLINEDIR=/var/cache/sdwdate/sclockadj /usr/lib/sdwdate/sclockadj --no-verbose --no-debug --no-first-wait --move-min 500000 --move-max 500000 --wait-min 1000000000 --wait-max 1000000000 --add 9710526301 818: Started subshell for sclockadj with pid: 14400 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: start 818: dispatching DISPATCH_POST_SUCCESS (SDW_MODE: daemon): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_post_success --autostart --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: + find /var/cache/sdwdate -printf '%p %u %g %m\n' 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: /var/cache/sdwdate root root 755 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: /var/cache/sdwdate/sclockadj root root 700 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: /var/cache/sdwdate/sclockadj/.ruby_inline root root 700 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: /var/cache/sdwdate/sclockadj/.ruby_inline/ruby-2.1.5 root root 700 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: /var/cache/sdwdate/sclockadj/.ruby_inline/ruby-2.1.5/Inline_Cinline_45aeaf467303ff06d9c25b91daa74e32.c root root 644 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: /var/cache/sdwdate/sclockadj/.ruby_inline/ruby-2.1.5/ root root 755 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: + true '$?: 0' 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: sdwdate_subshell_time_start: Time before running sclockadj: 1443519231.123541365 [Tue Sep 29 09:33:51 UTC 2015] 818: sdwdate_subshell_read: sclockadj reports: sdwdate_subshell_wait: Waiting for pid to finish SDWDATE_SCLOCKADJ_COMMAND_PID: 14419 818: dispatching DISPATCH_POST_SUCCESS done. 818: Sleeping for 86 minutes. (RANDOMIZE: 1)

Yes. You can get the newer config or wait for the update.