Need To Add Pulse Audio For Tor Browser 7.0.1?

I am using KVM and the past two tor browser updates have said I must install pulseaudio for sound when I try to play youtube videos. Any security issues to installing it on the workstation? Never had an issue with sound before these last two tor browser updates.

Good day,

Could you perhaps submit a screenshot of the message you receive? Because I haven’t experienced anything of the sort and it thus is hard to help you.

Have a nice day,


The last two updates for Tor Browser were 7.0 and 7.0.1.


This release brings us up to date with Firefox 52 ESR […]
there are some known issues with Tor Browser 7.0 as well:

  • Mozilla stopped ALSA support in Firefox 52 for Linux users. This means without having PulseAudio available, sound will be broken in Tor Browser 7.0 on Linux.

Pulseaudio was turned into a hard requirement for newer versions of Firefox by upstream. There is no way around it and alsa fans will have to bite the bullet.

Will qubes-gui-agent continue to depend on pulseaudio? @marmarek

  • If yes, no changes for Qubes-Whonix are required.
  • pluseaudio is a dependency of non-qubes-vm-enhancements for
    Non-Qubes-Whonix 14.

Will qubes-gui-agent continue to depend on pulseaudio? @marmarek

No, qubes-gui-agent in 4.0 only recommends pulseaudio-qubes (which
depends on pulseaudio).


Will qubes-gui-agent continue to depend on pulseaudio? @marmarek

No, qubes-gui-agent in 4.0 only recommends pulseaudio-qubes (which
depends on pulseaudio).

Will be covered in ⚓ T641 Qubes R4: install pulseaudio-qubes in Whonix 14 for audio support / pulseaudio and vlc should not be installed in sys-whonix.