Missing Libre Illustrative Images

Currently using the same image. Could use a different image.

This could use the YouTube logo.

AlL oF tHe aB0v3 oN :fire:

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Yay! Again great image choices! Some of them will be re-used on the homepage.

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All of the above went to where it should belong


Download Whonix ™ (FREE) could use a a libre symbol for USB. (Currently using photo but that looks a bit off versus the other non-photo, symbols.) Such a libre symbol for USB could even be re-used on whonix.org homepage.

We have an image for

but could use one for a new similar page:

Google logo would be nice here:

Chromium logo would be nice here:

Chrome logo would be nice here:

These could use different illustrative images since the existing ones are confusing.