Long Wiki Edits Thread

Protect all wiki templates against trolls -> Done.

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Important change:

In summary:

The recommended way to install Whonix on Qubes R3.2 as well as Qubes R4 from now on shall be:

sudo qubesctl state.sls qvm.anon-whonix

We can have manual instructions as well, but these have low priority.

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In progress:


Created a “Quick Start Guide” page with the relevant text.

Please complete deletion of the duplicate “Quick start” page I created, since the title is wrong and not properly capitalized.

Created empty pages for “Whonix Release Notes” (to do) and “Windows Quick Start” - which will reference lwatts very short Windows guide from the forums.

If the Whonix FAQ is going to be listed on the Quick Start Guide page, then it also needs a fair bit of editing to tidy it up.

I don’t wanna actually publish (make visible) any of these things above until the relevant embedded pages are ready/tidy and we’re happy with everything.

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Windows Quick Start page (based on lwatt’s forum post) → Done.

Where’s the proper changelog for Whonix 13 so I can pad out the “Whonix Release Notes” wiki page? I only see an old general blog post which is pretty light on information.

You used to do detailed changelogs on SourceForge for older Whonix versions.

Or, do I have to work backwards from phabricator with the relevant Whonix 13 tag (ditto Whonix 14)? e.g.


In the meantime, I’ll start cleaning up the FAQ.

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Doesn’t exist. Didn’t prioritize to write it. It’s all part of outreach (making a pretty user facing writeup of changes), which Whonix doesn’t really have.


Whonix 14 changes:

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Nothing links here.

More orphaned pages where nothing links to. Please look through and fix the ones worth it.

OK, will do when I have a chance.

Whonix Release Notes → done. Painful, it was. :sweat_smile:

  • Please review correctness / appropriateness of descriptions of closed phabricator issues.

  • Also please check whether all the issues are actually listed correctly under the All Platforms / Qubes-Whonix / Non-Qubes-Whonix sections, since some of them are hard to fathom for non-technical users i.e. whether they are really implemented across all Whonix platforms or not.

  • Also please check they are categorized properly i.e. “Bugs” vs “AppArmor” etc.

Once it’s eventually signed off, I will link this page to the “Whonix Administrators Handbook” (main wiki doc page).


1. Issues below that had both the Whonix 13 & Whonix 14 tags - do they belong in release notes for both versions? I have done that at this time. That is:

⚓ T527 Build failure of whonix-workstation Qubes template for R3.2 / add qubes-template-whonix to continuous integration service TravisCI
⚓ T666 Tor Browser 6.5.2 tb-updater update
⚓ T724 whonixcheck fixes for Qubes R4
⚓ T723 Qubes R4 RC1 - Whonix 13 - updates proxy test failing sometimes
⚓ T672 Tor Browser 7.0a3 apparmor fixes
⚓ T671 old Tor Browser versions in /var/cache/tb-binary/.tb/ accumulate in Qubes-Whonix, users run into full up disk error issues

2. I’ve ignored referencing in the release notes stuff related to:

  • purely documentation changes;
  • issues that were closed as invalid;
  • issues that were related to Debian proposals e.g. port conventions and so on;
  • issues that were purely reviews or asking questions of other distros;
  • issues that were only about confirming that new programs work in Whonix e.g. onionshare; and
  • issues that have been superseded by others e.g. control-port-filter add_onion parsing etc.
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Not a user facing change. Started using continuous integration service Travis CI.

Both versions. It relates to:
Tor Browser Advanced Topics

Both versions. Whonix 14 must be Qubes R4 compatible of whonixcheck but even though Whonix 13 was already released, and Whonix 14 was not ready for release, Qubes R4 compatibility had to be backported to Whonix 14.

Both versions, backport.

Both versions, backport.

Both versions, backport.

So originally, these would not have been included in Whonix 13 release notes. These issues were not foreseen (or not implemented back then), appeared after the release and were then fixed as stable upgrades (maintenance).

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I can imagine…

Great work on the release notes! Page reviewed.

grub-live is actually done for Whonix 14. Optional package. It shall be tested in Whonix 14. Non-Qubes-Only. Needs documentation. New documentation page or any suggestions?

sudo apt-get install grub-live

Reboot. And then you have new grub boot menu entries.

@Algernon is the maintainer of the package. (As defined by Contribute to Whonix) No claims about anti-forensics! Package was reviewed for non-maliciousness, and uploaded by me to Whonix repository.

From this page, for Whonix 14 will be supported:

That is why all the fuzz about onion-grater was made. onion-grater was written by Tails. The config merger stuff was written by Whonix. (By Joy.) onion-grater replaced Whonix control-port-filter-python. onion-grater is a Tor Control Port Fitler Proxy. It supports asynchronous Tor Control Protocol events, therefore the creation of Tor hidden services through Tor control protocol.

GitHub - Whonix/onion-grater


I added documentation to Live Mode for Kicksecure ™ - Kicksecure


Live Mode for Kicksecure

Not confirmed yet.

Could you please work on the warning message about not being regarded for anti-forensics?

Similar to:

Basically a short user facing explanation what should not be expected. And a footnote with explanation or a link to an explanation what would have to be done to check that there are no data remainings.

The point of these settings was to reduce I2P tunnel length when tunneling thru GW. I decided to chuck them out when I didn’t see much performance impact and also I think it would be good to combine both the full protect of both anonymity networks in case the user happens to choose a compromised guard.


Somehow not stored? I don’t see any new edit on Whonix_Live wiki page.

Seems it got missing :confused:
Added it again. Hopefully it stays there now.

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Nice. Page is now live.

  1. Whonix Release Notes (cleaned up and added to wiki) → Done

  2. Finer edits of Whonix Live page → Done

  3. Updated maintainer list (iry, Algernon etc) & list issues in alphabetical order → Done

(Not sure Patrick whether anything else needs to be updated / deleted there in maintainer list).

For interest:

Firejail’s “default profile” works okay when used with Tor Browser in Whonix - I’ve used it for months. But it’s not well contained.

But the following link has a hardcore Tor Browser profile which bears testing in Whonix (FYI the maintainer of Firejail just whitelists whole directories to get his Tor Browser working - too lenient IMO).

Anyway, I’ll test if the Tor Browser one works and reference it under the Firejail section if that is the case.

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Doesn’t work. Tried the following:

In Whonix-WS TemplateVM, created a torbrowser.profile in /etc/firejail

Cut and pasted the following text (commented out stuff at very bottom, which otherwise causes failures):

# Firejail profile for tor-browser-en
# This file is overwritten after every install/update
# Persistent local customizations
include /etc/firejail/tor-browser-en.local
# Persistent global definitions
include /etc/firejail/globals.local

blacklist /boot
blacklist /media
blacklist /mnt
blacklist /opt
blacklist /usr/local/bin
blacklist /var

whitelist ${HOME}/.tor-browser-en
whitelist /dev/dri
whitelist /dev/full
whitelist /dev/null
whitelist /dev/ptmx
whitelist /dev/pts
whitelist /dev/random
whitelist /dev/shm
whitelist /dev/snd
whitelist /dev/tty
whitelist /dev/urandom
whitelist /dev/video0
whitelist /dev/zero
include /etc/firejail/whitelist-common.inc

caps.drop all
shell none

# private-bin bash,grep,sed,tail,tor-browser-en,env,id,readlink,dirname,test,mkdir,ln,sed,cp,rm,getconf,file,expr
# FIXME: Spoof D-Bus machine id (tor-browser segfaults when it is missing!)
# https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/issues/955
# private-etc X11,pulse,machine-id
# private-tmp

# noexec /tmp

Save and exit.

Close the Whonix-Workstation TemplateVM and start the Whonix-Workstation AppVM.

Started the application by opening a terminal and running:

$ firejail torbrowser

Whonix complains:

“Tor Browser is not installed at (location). Do you want to install it now?”

Which is not the case.

Anyway, I tried. Moving onto something useful (FAQ edits).

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