Not mix X with Y alone is a bad argument if it’s only for the sake of “not mix X with Y”. That level of complaints is pushing it. Too theoretic. Little to none (and none mentioned) practical implications. It requires a high technical sophistication to analyze this (look at packages; know which package derives from where) plus on top a special character to complain about it. Too small user group. Hard to impossible to please user group. Sometimes I even wonder if they’d be even use Whonix or just complain for the sake of complaining. In short: these kind of complains “not mit X with Y for the sake of not mixing” shall not be Whonix indented target user group.
A usability reason to get rid of kdesudo in this post:
Whonix for VirtualBox with XFCE - Release Candidate 1 - Testers Wanted! - #13 by Patrick