Is it safe to reduce the number of CPU cores and the amount of RAM configured by default for the Whonix Gateway?

Hello guys

Is it safe to reduce the number of CPU cores and the amount of RAM configured by default for the Whonix Gateway?

I have an XPS 15 I bought last year with an i5 8th generation and 8GB of RAM on a solid state drive and onboard GPU.

My operating system is Windows 10 (fresh instal / zero problems).
I am using the latest version of Wonix Gateway + Workstation for Virtual Box (fresh instal / zero problems).

However, since I installed the newest version of Whonix I have been experiencing freezes and overload in CPU usage.

I had never experienced these problems with previous versions so I decided to check what was going on.

At that point I discovered that the new Whonix Gateway is configured by default to use 3 colors of my CPU and 1920MB of memory.

But I only use Whonix Gateway to disguise my ip. It even stay most of his time minimized. That way I don’t understand why it requires such high specifications by default.

So my main question is:
It is SAFE to go to the virtual machine settings in the Virtual Box interface and change the settings to 1 core CPU and 256 RAM.

Can this type of change cause some internal ‘break’ in Whonix Gatewat and decrease its effectiveness in camouflaging my IP?

Thank you!

Won’t break routing traffic over Tor. Worst case in theory would be to not route any traffic at all. Zero connectivity. Or slow speed.

Safe. During upgrades (as in apt dist-upgrade) more RAM may be required. (512 MB)

Dev/Gateway - Whonix

We have a lot reports of people having issues on Windows 10 hosts which had no issues once they used a Debian based host such as this one:
Gateway startup Error: Not Syncing: no working init found - #13 by BlueDevil

Thank you so much @Patrick
We are very grateful for your dedication and your work!