Installation and Fix of i2p inside Whonix-Workstation by Default

Yes, can be (re-)considered.

Debian, VirtualBox, Whonix default RAM settings.

Qubes / Qubes-Whonix manages RAM far more efficiently.

  • Simplified said, “There is no GUI running inside VM.” I mean by that, no “full X server”, lightdm, XFCE is running inside a VM. XFCE desktop environment packages aren’t even installed by default in VMs. X running inside Qubes VMs is connected to X running in dom0. The de-duplication of that saves a ton of RAM.
  • Qubes RAM management isn’t as static as “if VM is started, assign it to VM in full”. It dynamically assigns RAM. I.e. VMs that are just auto started but idle need far less RAM. Not sure this might be called memory ballooning.

Therefore Qubes / Qubes-Whonix cannot be compared much to Non-Qubes-Whonix as far as RAM requirements are going.

No idea. i2p-router is in and there is now also:

Depends but things might have changed now.

As per there are bundled apps, third party plugins. Perhaps it’s about these third party plugins which aren’t packaged but the point? Didn’t read much and not sure which ones he might be referring to.