Installation and Fix of i2p inside Whonix-Workstation by Default

I don’t think we have a spare 128MiB. Due to many issues, we’re on a very tight RAM budget.

Default RAM:

  • Whonix-Gateway: 512 MB
  • Whonix-Workstation: 768 MB

Already require to use a hack for Whonix-Gateway: swap - swap file - Whonix-Gateway freezing during apt-get dist-upgrade - encrypted swap-file-creator

There is no Whonix-Host yet. Therefore we can not be more clever an automatically assign more RAM to users VMs if available.

Memory de-duplication had to be disabled due to security issues.

Opening too many Tor Browser tabs can already make a VM slow or freeze.

Desktop environments realistically available for Whonix (from, OK usability, …) require more RAM nowadays than in past.

Whonix system requirement is 4 GB.
4 GB - 768 MB (workstation RAM) - 512 MB (gateway RAM) - 16 MB (gateway video RAM) - 128 MB (workstation video RAM) leaves the host with only around 2576 MB RAM. That’s not much and not even including any multiple Whonix-Workstation’s.

There is currently no Whonix News integrated into whonixcheck.

Yes but config-package-dev displace will sort that out for us.

No. config-package-dev displace will effectivly assign management of that file to package anon-apps-config.

Yes. i2p could be started on demand. Such as when people start i2pbrowser or other i2p apps if any?

Interesting! Wasn’t aware of it.

“Is there an I2P Linux Distro” or “Is iPredia still alive” or questions about I2P use in Whonix or TAILS is a very frequently asked question on reddit

Had no idea.

Official inclusion in Whonix is dependent on inclusion in Debian,

Is this still applicable / up to date? Debian -- Details of package i2p-router in buster now exists and here we are discussing i2p installation by default in Whonix.They mean for i2p apps?

Btw what about Debian -- Details of package syndie in buster? I don’t recall testing it but it’s a suggested package by i2p-router package. Should be pre-installed too? Still a tool up to date / recommended / requested / in use / etc?
