improving compression of Whonix image downloads

For you it may be simple but for me it’s a high mountain to climb. That’s why I call it unrealistic. If I saw an implementation of this, I might change my mind. But unless you intent to fork Whonix, this isn’t a great exercise (unless it costs you very, very little time). I estimate this this will introduce way too much extra complexity for relatively small gains. There are few people who told me that they looked into the build script, understood it or let alone contributed major things to it. So I wouldn’t want to make it even more difficult than it already is.

More and more complexity which then leads to follow up issues such as symlinks vs apparmor.

May be possible but extra source code, extra complexity.

Perhaps you’re more clever than me. However, the volunteer workforce contributing to Whonix is rather small. So while me being scared by he extra complexity I am still useful. (Unless, you fork Whonix and do everything better. I wouldn’t mind about that either. I could be a contributor and also I am sure I’d find other fun things in life too.)

I concentrate on something easy and yet impact such as kloak. I would encourage you to contribute. Perhaps you could implement something that fixes Advanced Deanonymization Attacks - Whonix or some of the open tickets ⚓ Query: Open Tasks?

Whonix · GitHub

  • Historic growth. Limited time. Flood of issues.
  • Lack of source code contributors.
  • Requires development work.
  • Whonix is the only distribution that specialized on deploying VMs for end-users that I am aware of. Build script, deployment methods (platform independent ova’s), it’s maintainable. During Whonix’s total lifetime 2012 to time of writing in 2019, I managed to keep up with all underlying changes (Debian, Tor, virtzalizers).
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