How to disable root access in whonix template?

I am trying to do root account isolation by following the qubes os official document(I cannot post the link yet but it can be easily find by simply searching qubes passwordless root in search engine). The dom0 prompt method mentioned in it seem not very seriously tested. Is there a way to do better root isolation for example just disable the root account like minimal templates, and qvm-run -u root all the privileged command manually? I remember there are some discussion says how to remove passwordless root package, but I can not find it. Thanks in advance.

go to WS/GW templateVM and type:

sudo apt install dummy-dependency && sudo apt remove --purge qubes-core-agent-passwordless-root*

then reboot

if you want to open a root terminal in the VM:

open dom0 terminal then type: (change VM-Name to your VM name like whonix-ws or so)

qvm-run -u root VM-Name xfce4-terminal

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