- I highly recommend using
. Available frompackages.debian.org
- I highly recommend using
- Also shell options.
set -e
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o errtrace
set -o pipefail
- And
- And
- That’s how I would start nowadays with the knowledge I didn’t have back then.
ChatGPT is capable of explaining all of these. I’d look them up in ChatGPT and then confirm with authoritative sources.
Well, but the problem is, instead of verifying the real thing (derivative-maker), users would now have to download, trust and use a script to do that.
Even as the script is now in its early stages. Users are unable to audit it. So users would have to verify the script itself. Back to square one. Trying to square a circle so to speak.
If it was possible to have such a script, then that would also raise the issue why isn’t that provided by upstream?
Check out Whonix Linux Installer for VirtualBox. Not for the purpose of using VirtualBox. No need to actually run it. Just to show the usability as simplified as we managed to make it. Related:
Just 1 script that users can download (and verify) which takes care of downloading, verification, installing Whonix on Linux distributions.
With verify, verification referring to digital software signature verification.
When you do a normal clone you end up with git head, which is most likely not a (stable) git tag.
A normal clone is fine but to build a git tag, a git tag needs to get checked out.
unanswered questions: Dunno. I would have to test this myself to know. It’s a bit similar to driving a car. I can use git but not really explain “after 30 seconds, move the steering wheel by 35 degree”.