opened 01:16PM - 17 Jan 24 UTC
### Checklist
- [X] I agree to follow the [Code of Conduct](…flatpak/flatpak/blob/main/ that this project adheres to.
- [X] I have searched the [issue tracker]( for a feature request that matches the one I want to file, without success.
### Suggestion
For a Linux distribution (Kicksecure) (and Whonix), we are considering to enable Flathub by default. But there's 2 major concerns.
* 1) It's too easy to accidentally install non-freedom (proprietary) software.
* 2) It's too easy to install unverified software. (These without a verified badge on Flathub.)
Software that is considered both under FLOSS licenses and verified is considered much more trustworthy.
**Suggested Distribution Settings File:**
The distribution could drop a configuration snippet in the yet to be invented `/usr/lib/flatpak/settings.d` folder.
File `/usr/lib/flatpak/settings.d/30_kicksecure.conf`:
This is just a default setting suitable for some Linux distributions. The user should have the freedom to easily undo this.
**Suggested User Override Settings File:**
File `/etc/flatpak/settings.d/50_user.conf`:
**Suggested User Command Line Overrides:**
For overrides on the command line case by case:
* `--allow-nonfreedom`
* `--allow-unverified`
**Suggested `flatpak` command line output output:**
* > Installation of non-freedom Flatpak denied. Use `--allow-nonfreedom` or change configuration to override.
* > Installation of unverified Flatpak denied. Use `--allow-unverified` or change configuration to override.