Perhaps get and submodules. Then you’ll have all the packages. Then have a glimpse at various bash scripts.
grep --exclude-dir=.git '#!/bin/bash'
parse cmd example:
usage help:
- very minimal due to lack of time
parse config folder example:
error handler example:
mostly useful conventions:
- mostly for useful for bigger scripts
- set -e (to have tight control over exit codes)
- have an err trap
- set -o pipefail (when using at least one pipe)
Run scripts through shellcheck and fix whatever makes sense. (Apart from false positives and other non-issues.)
Deepening on task.
- A very simple script:
- a more complex example would be whonixcheck (supports sourceing a config folder, sources the script snippet folder, therefore allows overwriting/extending shell functions, allows to skip shell functions by name (whonixcheck_skip_functions), input detection cli vs gui, and more)
Don’t make it a science. As long as it’s secure, readable and good enough, I don’t think we should to be overly strict.