Eliminate LD_PRELOAD and other Dangerous Environment Variables

I’ve been experimenting with a way to eliminate LD_PRELOAD (and other similar variables). We can create a library that checks if any dangerous variables have been set and then force it to exit if they are. This would be globally preloaded via /etc/ld.so.preload so the check is executed at the start of all applications.


Compile this with:

gcc rootkit-detect.c -shared -fpic -Wl,-init,init -o rootkit-detect.so

And append /etc/ld.so.preload with:


I’ve tested this and it does work. I think it should be included in Whonix as it does eliminate a large vector for user space rootkits. It does hurt debugging a bit but the protection can easily be disabled by root.

Edit: Actually, I forgot about ld-system-preload-disable which would bypass this. Maybe there’s another way to preload this library?