Just tested dino-im in qubes-whonix and here is the result of the test:
Install it from debian buster-backport in order to make it work. Stable repo installation will lead to connection failure over Tor.
Do Not install it using
apt install dino-im
because it will show you a hell of dependencies , use insteadapt install --no-install-recommends dino-im
It doesnt support connection for hidden services addresses #666.
It doesnt support for modifying/steric the connection to specific IP and Port #115.
It logs the chat history in plain text and cant be deleted/disabled #742 , #651.
Not aware of supporting Tor or proxies by default since the start of the app this give indication of not very good experience/care on privacy/anonymity level from their devs.
Their development speed some what medium-slow 246 opened tickets , 339 closed.
Maybe Further testing needed for e.g: