Control Port Filter Proxy Python (cpfpy) / anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor

Troubadour can you please write an Apparmor profile for by time it becomes default in Whonix 10?

It’s in the pipeline, but there is some updates to the AppArmor wiki first. Have you installed the profiles from the testers repository?

@troubadour Yes I’m running the profiles from the whonix-developers repo and they are working great. Thanks.

Looking into linters today… Especially those with a pretty free web interface and such.

What’s your opinion on

Useful or not so much? I think we should not become slaves of security irrelevant advice by (eventually broken, biased) static code analysis utilities. Maybe it’s good enough consider its opinions when getting close to releases.


Know pylint?

sudo apt-get install pylint
pylint usr/lib/

[quote=“Patrick, post:104, topic:533”]Looking into linters today… Especially those with a pretty free web interface and such.

What’s your opinion on

Useful or not so much? I think we should not become slaves of security irrelevant advice by (eventually broken, biased) static code analysis utilities. Maybe it’s good enough consider its opinions when getting close to releases.[/quote]
Yes, we’ll try to comply, eventually. For the overall bad score, see below.

Know pylint?
sudo apt-get install pylint

pylint usr/lib/

I did not know pylint. The negative note was mostly explained by the indentation. At the time, I had read some recommendations to use two spaces indentation, and my tools were probably not properly set. Now I’m using four spaces, no tab, and Kate and Eric (the Python IDE I use, not the best, but it’s available from Debian) are speaking the same language. Good for them. :slight_smile:

Can you please rename:

“controlportfilt” to “cpfpy” or so?

I guess we don’t need those files anyhow. Once systemd unit file has been created, /usr/lib/ can be started by systemd.

Done. renaming files. ¡ troubadoour/control-port-filter-python@bc4373a ¡ GitHub



Small git hint: This is how I easily audit the diff when file names were changed.

(Otherwise it’s telling the diff viewer to diff against /dev/null twice, which isn’t helpful.)

Added to Whonix source code folder:

Wanted to polish this for release of Whonix 10. Added quite some commits.

Now I need your help. When running “usr/lib/control-port-filter-python/”, “sudo usr/lib/control-port-filter-python/” or “sudo -u debian-tor usr/lib/control-port-filter-python/” it doesn’t show any output and exits 0. It doesn’t print anything below line “server = SocketServer.TCPServer((IP, PORT), TCPHandler)”.

The error is probably quite a simple one. Missing dependencies. They are not yet added to the package. What debian packages need to be added to be able to run We must have discussed this before, but I am not finding it anymore.

No missing dependencies. The only difference from the original script is the log file. So, let’s start from that. When changing back to “controlportfilt.log”, it works. The only difference then is the log file ownership. Back to “control-port-filter-python.log”, chown’d it to debian-tor and it works, on its own as well as when restarting the service .

I have no logical explanation, because it should not matter, when the daemon is run on its own.

My mistake. It’s working fine.

Manually starting it also works.

install control-port-filter-python replacement that has been written by @troubadoour troubadoour (troubadour) ¡ GitHub rather than control-port-filter (bash), done:
install control-port-filter-python… · Whonix/anon-meta-packages@0a5fb6d · GitHub

So next developers-only and/or testers-only version and Whonix 10 comes with cpfpy.


To hopefully allow smooth upgrades:

debian/control: added “Pre-Depends: tor” so user and group “debian-tor” exist:

debian/control: added “Uploaders: Patrick Schleizer” to fix lintian warnings “W: control-port-filter-python source: changelog-should-mention-nmu” and “W: control-port-filter-python source: source-nmu-has-incorrect-version-number 3:0.3-1”:

update for control-port-filter-python check:

init script: fixed “sudo service control-port-filter-python status”:

bumped debian/compat version from 8 to 9: