Continuous Integration (CI) Whonix Testing - Automated Test Suite

  echo changeme | sudo -S apt-get update -q
  sudo apt-get install git python3-behave python3-pip python3-pyatspi python3-dogtail -yq --no-install-recommends

This seems to be likely that this would fail. Depending on sudo timeout.

One time the password is piped to sudo. The other time not. This can lead to a fail. But I have an idea to fix it. Going to commit.


Also, regarding this

I already put that functionality in the branch :slight_smile:

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I am not sure that is the cleanest way to solve it. A command dsudo sudo-passwordless could be invented to disable sudo password prompt the the CI environment.

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I tested it manually and it passed :man_shrugging:

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Another one just coming to mind:

Could also consider apt-get → apt-get-noninteractive but since it’s not interactive currently anyhow I guess could be argued that this is a test in itself. Just useful to keep it mind we already have this. (Also dpkg → dpkg-noninteractive and apt-get-reset.)

Cool thank you.

Not a big deal, but in the future if there are changes youd like to see on my branches would you mind suggesting them in the github UI via the “Review” function within the Whonix/derivative-maker repository? If you suggest the change I can easily implement it and then we dont risk any merge conflicts or out of sync histories

We have incongruent branches now bc i pushed some changes upstream and not to my fork. I will resolve it with cherry-pick.

My fork will always be more experimental and perhaps less up to date. The upstream fork Whonix is where we should collab on the Whonix™ project :slight_smile:

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My changes aren’t a big deal either. Could even be reverted / force pushed / re-applied without the git history.

All good! I fixed the branch and kept your changes. I appreciate the input. Lots of little things make for a better big thing :slight_smile:

Also, I have a new build going now with the new changes. Not sure your plan for the day but if you could avoid pushing to any upstream forks derivative-maker or Whonix for the next couple hours that’d be cool.

If not nbd I can rerun again in the evening while you are sleeping

I will try to figure out a way to logically avoid us stepping on each others toes in the CI at some point. I want to get WATS running first :+1:

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Time for worky work to make the Boss satisfied though :frowning: …will report back about Whonix things when I am able

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One idea would be to have a script that configures (enable, disable) the
server to ignore Whonix/derivative-maker builds and only do your builds.
That script could be part of the repository so anyone with commit access
can easily run it.

Can be a simple solution. Doesn’t need to be complex to remember any
skipped builds and do these later.

Sometimes I do stuff I am certain it won’t break the CI such as doing
modifications to mediawiki-shell scripts and then just add the updated
submodule to Whonix/derivative-maker which wouldn’t really require a new
CI build.

@Patrick I have great news! WATS is officially running via CI. My branch is successfully running it with VBoxManage.

But as is often the case in life, I have some less than awesome news too. The test suite is failing because of some dumb Graphics crashing shit in Tor. I would love your input

First, there is a bunch of output about the cache, fonts, etc. I have not seen this before when running WATS on a new VM.

Then eventually, I run in to this error, and the Tor browser crashes when it is opened

Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1-]: No GPUs detected via PCI (t=1.51433) [GFX1-]: No GPUs detected via PCI
Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1-]: No GPUs detected via PCI (t=1.51433) |[1][GFX1-]: glxtest: process failed (received signal 11) (t=1.51441) [GFX1-]: glxtest: process failed (received signal 11)

Full logs can be found in test.log in this artifact

FYI, this build is using image instead of building fresh VMs off master…I created CI debugging functionality so that I can iterate quicker, and not wait 2 hours for the builds to complete

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  1. Does the server have a physical graphic card (GPU) (or CPU built-in GPU)? To debug, run on the host operating system:


It’s very conceivable that the server has no GPU to safe costs because most server workflows I suppose are over SSH and then no graphics on the server are needed, never any monitor connected (maybe a serial console but that doesn’t need a graphics card either).

If the server does not have a GPU, that might cause some issues. I don’t know if VirtualBox can emulate a virtual graphic card while the host operating system has no real GPU. Even if VirtualBox can do this, this might cause some issues. All speculation based.

  1. Does the host operating system have a functional graphical desktop environment such as Xfce?

How could you even test that? Not trivial. A VNC server is not really the same. A VNC server can be run without a GPU. (Running a VNC client without X - Server Fault) Using framebuffer. But that’s not really the same as having a real GPU and setting in front of it. Meaning, there could be issues in corner cases.

Using framebuffer it might be the case that applications using hardware acceleration (which likely includes browsers) will fail. → linux - How can OpenGL graphics be displayed remotely using VNC? - Server Fault

Getting all packages for a functional desktop environment (including xserver) is non-trivial. A functional shortcut could be installing kicksecure-xfce-host on the host operating system. (instructions: Install Kicksecure ™ inside Debian)

Getting to the stage of a functional graphical desktop environment such as Xfce on the host operating system might require a local physical testing system (to get the package selection right).

  1. Does the host operating system run xserver? If it does not have xserver, that might also confuse VirtualBox and in turn Tor Browser.

  1. The VNC server software.

Even if the host operating system already has a functional A) physical GPU, B) xserver and C) desktop environment (such as Xfce), and D) VNC server applications using hardware acceleration such as browser might still fail.

I am using x11vnc on a remote computer that has A, B, C and D and can confirm that browsers are functional on both, on the host operating system and inside (Kicksecure / Whonix) VMs.

tightvnc might not work for this purpose.

To test VNC, a computer you have physical access to (such as in LAN) might be handy.

For commands to set up x11vnc, start the server and connect the client to, ask me. I can look that up. (Although I never manged to make it fully non-interactive when logging into a VNC session but then I would have a reason to look into that again.)

Also don’t know if x11vnc would be compatible with the way WATS is currently expecting the VNC to function.

  1. Try running WATS on the host operating system. This is to figure out if this is a VM specific issue or already happening on the host operating system. The idea is, if it fails on the host operating system, there’s a good chance it will fail within the VM.

  1. Maybe not start with a complex GUI application such as Tor Browser first? Maybe it’s unspecific to Tor Browser?

Try some simpler GUI application such as mousepad, xfce4-terminal first. Just open an close using WATS. Let’s see if that works.

Then try Chromium.

Then try Firefox.

  1. Is there any way to do a video recording of the host operating system?

  1. Qubes uses openQA for automated GUI testing. I don’t know how Qubes / openQA handles (hardware accelerated) graphical tests. Are we re-inventing openQA?

  1. If Tor Browser (or all hardware accelerated graphical tests), all of this is getting too complex to fix, just skip it for now.

Ah this makes more sense now.

I did install XFCE on the host, but it has always been super laggy and weird. I have observed WATS run on the VMs using VNC, but again it is very glitchy and laggy

Upon further research, it seems as though Digital Ocean might not be a solution we can use for any GUI testing, since they do not offer graphics with their instances. Whatever is working on the machine I imagine is virtualized in some way, hence the problems

OpenQA seems like a GREAT tool and I think we should aim to use it long term, since WATS is flakey and not the best honestly. That is not to knock the work that the capstone project did, but I do not think it is a good way to test an OS through a GUI long term. OpenQA seems more maintainable for the long term usage of automated testing.

OpenQA will not solve our short term problem of needing a machine with GPU in order to effectively test the Whonix GUI

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I see 3 potential solutions

Dedicated Home Machine

Solution 1 is for me to acquire a dedicated machine and set it up in my house, leaving it online 24/7. CI on github actions would trigger a build, which would run WATS on the tower


  1. CI will run faster. Every time a build happens, there will be no need to install things like VirtualBox, apt packages, XFCE, VNC, etc.
  2. No long term dependence on cloud providers.
  3. Quicker iteration and debugging. No need to spin up a cloud server every time something needs troubleshooting.
  4. More realistic. Whonix users by and large are using the operating system on laptops and desktops.


  1. “Linus doesn’t scale”…if I have a tower machine in my house, what happens if I get in a car wreck and die? What happens if I quit being able to maintain or I am displaced from my housing? I will build things in a way where it can easily be spun up by someone else (documentation, automation, etc). But there is no guarantee that someone will be willing and available to do it.
  2. I would have to buy a dedicated tower machine…500ish usd?
  3. I will have to set it up where that machine can be SSH’d to from the open internet. This is not a huge deal, but a bit of a security concern putting it on my home network…perhaps I setup a VPN and run it on that? But this adds additional complexity and networking is certainly not my area of expertise.
  4. My ladyfriend will not be super excited about another computer in the house, but she can get over it lol

Cloud based machine with GPU

Some of the larger cloud providers offer servers with GPU. Switching the pipeline to build with a cloud server that has a GPU could be a solution. AWS EC2 G4 seems like it would work.


  1. AWS isn’t going anywhere if I die, give up, or become homeless. They will likely just consume the whole world as we spiral further and further in to dystopia. No downtime if something happens to me. Business as usual
  2. On demand and reliable. It can spin up or down at a moments notice, with no worries about networking, snowstorms, or hardware failure on our end.
  3. No security risk of opening up a CI pipeline to my home network.


  1. AWS is AWS. It is expensive, no privacy, project funds supporting amazon, etc.
  2. There are unknowns, perhaps more complicated configurations, and additional overhead programmatically provisioning resources. I could use terraform for this no problemo, but it still adds a bit of complexity. That said, I am comfortable taking on this complexity
  3. If Whonix scaled in a way where lots of people were pushing to this, it would become more expensive. In the short term, it is less expensive than buying a dedicated computer to run at my house.

Forgo GUI testing

I do not like this option, especially because I spent so much time trying to get WATS running on a cloud server. It finally runs, and this GPU curveball occurs.


  1. Frees me up to work on other projects (Whonix-Native or whatever else)
  2. CI builds still in place. CLI testing is possible, and additional build testing is no problem…we could test KVM builds, VirtualBox, Whonix-CLI, Whonix-XFCE…everything except automated clicking through the operating system


  1. Unable to catch GUI bugs without manually testing
  2. It will hurt my ego a good bit (non-consequential to the project)

I honestly am torn between all three options. I would love some input and guidance @Patrick or anyone else who might be reading this (long shot). Which direction do you think we should go?

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I wouldn’t worry about this worst case too much.


Cannot comment on your personal situation. Certainly choose a solution that is comfortable to live with.

How much are we talking about approximately?

We don’t need that many builds. Often I work on very axxiluary things such as mediawiki-shell (for wiki backups). Editing some script in that package has a almost 0% chance of breaking Whonix’s build process.

There are other type of changes where breakage is more likely but even then while the build script might look daunting it, the build issues are not all that complex that every commit needs to be CI tested. Often for example it’s just detail enhancements such as better written code comments.

I guess costs will be manageable so if this is the more comfortable solution for you, let’s go this path.

Acceptable too, of course but also not the nicest solution.

I have been a bit busy with life, but this GUI testing is high on my priority list. It was a bit disappointing to run in to these issues with Digital Ocean VPS, because lots of time has been invested, but it is okay these things happen.

For the time being, all commit builds are still working and reliable.

The Plan

I am going to utilize AWS, it makes the most sense for long term testing and maintenance. I dont want any more computer parts in my house anyway…to many half assembled thinkpads as it is lol


  1. Create shared AWS account like our digitalocean account. We will use my credit card for the time being, same as digitalocean. This work is my donation to our cause.

  2. Create Terraform suite to dynamically create and destroy the resources that run our CI builds on AWS. This should be comparable in costs to our DigitalOcean builds.

  3. Create Terraform logic that provisions and destroys GPU servers to run our GUI tag builds

  4. Run WATS in the new GPU server. This code already exists, it just doesn’t work on DigitalOcean

  5. Rebuild the test suite with OpenQA. WATS currently does not do much beyond verifying the Tor browser works. If OpenQA works for our use case, I think it will be much quicker to test all the things and add new tests as it grows.

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FWIW I routinely run Whonix on my Talos II, which only has an AST2500 GPU (which is just an unaccelerated framebuffer, should be comparable to no GPU at all in terms of what API’s are available to a VM guest). Everything works fine graphically; pretty much any modern GNU/Linux distro will automatically fall back to LLVMpipe if no accelerated GPU is present. LLVMpipe won’t work well for high-end games since there are certain recent OpenGL features that it doesn’t implement, but for standard GUI stuff (including web browsers as long as you’re not using WebGL) it generally works fine (even games like OpenArena work OK; one of the Talos community members reports ~30 fps in OpenArena with LLVMpipe). My guess is that whatever issues you’re running into are caused by not having graphics-related packages installed (and therefore Firefox can’t initialize LLVMpipe). @Patrick 's suggestion of installing kicksecure-xfce-host is likely to fix it, or maybe installing whatever meta-package Debian uses for XFCE desktop.

(If you already figured out the above, apologies for the noise.)