If I change the network adapter #1 from NAT to Bridged (USB Adapter), that means that I still have to first connect to the Wi-Fi from the host OS (i.e. Windows) and as a result, both the host OS and the Whonix Gateway will have Internet connectivity.
I want to avoid the host being connected to Internet at any time, only the Whonix Gateway should have Internet connectivity. Is there any way I can accomplish this on the host OS using some kind of firewall?
I have actually connected the USB Wi-Fi Adapter via VBox to the Gateway VM, though it seems is it not recognized automatically by Whonix Gateway as wlan0 or as any wireless adapter. Maybe Whonix Gateway is stripped down and I have to manually install the drivers for the adapter? Normally, most Linux distributions including standard Debian, recognizes this USB adapter I was trying with. Not even manually installing the driver did not work, since there were some gcc compiler errors.
From what I’ve read it seems udev might do the trick, but first the USB Wi-Fi Adapter should be recognized as wlan0. Unfortunately it isn’t; explained above…
If directly connecting the USB Wi-Fi Adapter to the Whonix Gateway VM is difficult to achieve, this idea might work:
- create a separate pre-gateway VM (Linux/Windows) for the sole purpose of connecting the USB Adapter and connecting to the Internet.
- link the pre-gateway VM Network Adapter to the Whonix Gateway VM Network Adapter #1 (via some kind of internal network maybe?)
Can you please help me with linking the two networks, so the Whonix Gateway would have Internet connectivity from the pre-gateway VM?