Comments and thoughts on Whobuntu

As Whonix’s user base grows, it seems only natural that forks will emerge. I am happy, if Whonix, its documentation and/or source code is useful for others so they can build other flavors of it with divergent priorities.

No detail review by me. Had a quick look. Haven’t seen any source code yet. Just a few comments.

How’s the image build? Manually or build script modifications?

I’ve used the opportunity to update Whonix wiki chapter on Ubuntu Legal Issues.
Clarification: while I mention Ubuntu trademark policy, I am not pointing at WhoBuntu.
My position: I find Ubuntu’s trademark policy to be creating huge legal mess I strongly disagree with since it’s counter the spirit of Freedom Software.

The following is tested on VirtualBox v6.0, it is highly recommended to use VirtualBox as it is the only supported OS by Whonix.

VirtualBox is not an OS, it is a virtulaizer. So the sentence should be “The following is tested on VirtualBox v6.0, it is highly recommended to use VirtualBox as it is the only supported virtualizer by Whonix.” - but then this is factually false - Download Whonix (FREE) lists all supported platforms. Not only VirtualBox, also KVM, physical isolation (x86 compatible), RPi3, and Qubes.

First download the Whonix Gateway from the Whonix website.

While Whonix VirtualBox - Unified OVA Downloads - Point Release has improved usability for Whonix, it slightly worsened usability for these instructions. (Without intention. I wasn’t aware of WhoBuntu before now.) Still possible to only import Whonix-Gateway while not importing Whonix-Workstation.