Change default shell from bash to zsh by default?

Thanks, merged!

For better security, could you please consider enabling bracketed paste mode?

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yes, todo.

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Thanks, merged!


Seems good to me. I see what he is doing is correct, to avoid set -u giving problems because $1 was never assigned a value.

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Ok, thank you!

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Thanks, merged!

zsh is great, but why default? A person can type zsh and be using zsh. Maybe if Debian accepts this as default it would make sense but the least differences from Debian as possible for Whonix seems a good policy.

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I agree, as I scrolled I didn’t expect to see it was actually merged.

Yeah that was a surprise. But I’m not sure if the merge made it the default or just included it. I never tested before if it was included. It is now, but maybe that was the merge?

desktop-config-dist/etc at master · Kicksecure/desktop-config-dist · GitHub - it’s in there

Merged was zsh configuration enhancements.

zsh has better usability, better command completion and highlighting. Any issues?

Not enabled yet by default due to this issue Change default shell from bash to zsh by default? - #41 by Patrick

But I have an idea now how to solve this. Maybe a systemd unit can help here.

Enabling this by default will be done through package dist-base-files, not desktop-config-dist because dist-base-files creates Linux user account user.

Please move this to separate discussion in a dedicated forum thread if needed.

Some command line commands are incompatible with bash.

curl --tlsv1.3 --proto =https --max-time 180 --output ~/derivative.asc

zsh: https not found

It works when using quotes.

curl --tlsv1.3 --proto "=https" --max-time 180 --output ~/derivative.asc

But non-ideal.

Any way to make zsh command prompt bash compatible?


Zsh autosuggestions is much better than backwards search for both bash and zsh. You can complete commands based on history and what you have typed so far.

Zsh syntax highlighting highlights in red wrong commands (not arguments), thus instead of clicking enter to see if that the command was not found, you correct the typo in the first word/command until it is green or install the program that provides the command.

Zsh corrects line endings and prints % when there is no newline at the end of the message, thus not destroying the prompt format as it happens on bash, that you think you’ve typed that right characters, but the shell did not receive what you are seeing on your terminal. It is possible to fix this for bash, but it is not the default behavior.

Zsh menuselect completion is much easier to navigate than Bash’s completion. Zsh completion can also have a description of the option you are completing so you know what you are adding as an argument.

There are many other things, but the points I mentioned above are usable for new users, they only need to use .

I see the point of keeping close to Debian defaults as a policy on various matters, but the Interactive shell doesn’t affect scripts, only what the user interacts with.

The terminal is already scary for the users, I want it to be easy to everyone use.

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This was also unexpected to me.

setopt noequals fix this.

Zsh is not a bourne shell, its syntax is different. I didn’t expect this error because the option equals is enabled by the default.

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