bug: restart of sdwdate in Whonix-Gateway causes 100% CPU use of Tor Browser in Whonix-Workstation


Modified Option 2: cd /var/cache/tb-binary/.tb/tor-browser/Browser Method should work nicely. It’s already extracted there. One could make changes in that folder. Documentation might be a bit unclear. It doesn’t survive update-torbrowser in TemplateVM though.

Also modified Option 1: /etc/torbrowser.d/ Settings Method might be interesting. It basically gives full scripting support before starting Tor Browser. Could do stuff such as “if DispVM”, “do X”.



Tor Browser Essentials

We’ve added some stylistic enhancements on top (but these wouldn’t have happened without your initiative).

Indeed. That’s next.

Sure thing. Under the right conditions which were given here (time, knowledge available), happy to help.

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Seems good enough.

Socket activation is nice but seems more difficult/complex to implement. Since onion-grater by Tails forked by Whonix ™ is forked from onion-grater by Tails, I would like to keep the changes/delta minimal.