Bitcoin Lightning Network (LND) setup in Whonix

Thanks for your input.

I was trying to search on my own for quite a bit of time but after posting this, I did run into some documentation about the Tor Control protocol. Unfortunately only via some other post elsewhere, not via a direct search which is why I posted here.

I do have some ideas regarding how to proceed now with a better understanding of how DEL_ONION works. It seems to only delete Onion Services that originated from the same Tor Control session and thus is a non-issue.

If I get this working and figure out a working Onion-grater profile, I will report back.

LND seems to require onion-grater profile that allows DEL_ONION with empty Service ID i.e. deletion of detached onions. Now LND shuts down with new error:

DEL_ONION got error: invalid arguments: unexpected code

Seems I misread DEL_ONION documentation. It is true that LND calls DEL_ONION with empty string (should not happen, there is discussion about it on Github but nothing has been done about it). It is a mystery to me why LND does not create an Onion though but that discussion I will take to LND Github.

As far as Whonix and onion-grater goes, I don’t think there’s any issue with it regarding LND.

Adding onion-grater rules for ADD_ONION seems to have resolved that issue. I am now faced with different errors though.

[ERR] DISC: Unable to query bootstrapper BOLT-0010 DNS Seed: [[] []]: tor host is unreachable

Could Whonix firewall be blocking some requests regarding these queries?

[ERR] SRVR: Unable to retrieve initial bootstrap peers: no addresses found

As well as:

[ERR] HSWC: InterceptableSwitch stopped: block epoch stream stopped

(This, atleast, is likely not related to Whonix)

I’ve managed to fix this. I had to add onion-grater profile that allows DEL_ONION and ADD_ONION. I use LND watchtower so two onion services are created, one on port 9735 and one on 9911. I had to also open external ports in the workstation to make the onion services work.

Here is my onion-grater profile:

- exe-paths:
    - '*'
    - '*'
    - '*'
      - pattern: 'NEW:ED25519-V3 Port=9735,9735 '
        replacement: 'NEW:ED25519-V3 Port=9735,{client-address}:9735'
      - pattern: 'NEW:ED25519-V3 Port=9911,9911 '
        replacement: 'NEW:ED25519-V3 Port=9911,{client-address}:9911'
      - '.*'

LND sometimes sends DEL_ONION with empty Service ID which will shutdown LND even if ‘.+’ is used instead of ‘.*’ but I opted to use the latter anyway.

Previously LND did not use DEL_ONION which is why there is a Whonix Forum post floating which discards the onion private key in the ADD_ONION replacement but now that DEL_ONION is used, LND needs the private key.

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Tor doesn’t support UDP and only a few types of DNS.

Whonix-Workstation Firewall - Whonix chapter Allow UDP in Whonix wiki

That is why it’s hard to run an Ethereum full node.

Ethereum - Whonix chapter ETH vs Tor generally in Whonix wiki

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Pull request for /usr/share/doc/onion-grater-merger/examples/40_bitcoind.yml welcome.

Or should this be a dedicated onion-grater profile because LND is using different code to interface with the Tor control protocl than Bitcoin Core?

Maybe. Or maybe the session could get hijacked by another application running inside the same VM. But that’s most likely information security theoretical, complex stuff, not actionable. And might not even be worth digging deep into due to:

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That is what I thought would be the problem initially. Turns out that error was likely due to not having opened ports in the Workstation for the onion services that LND starts. After onion-grater and the firewall were setup, that error no longer appeared.

My guess is that LND does not make actual DNS queries.

Yes, absolutely.

I’ll see to making a pull request.

Interesting stuff. Looking forward to seeing that’s to come.

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Hey, I am trying to install LND with my bitcoin node too but why did you use 2 workstations? And was your bitcoin node pruned? I am thinkking of using neutrino. Did you face any whonix specific troubles when setting up LND

No other reason than added security of having the two programs running isolated. It will definitely be simpler with them running in the same workstation.

No. Pruning will negatively affect LND performance. You should also run bitcoind with txindex=1. I personally have no experience with Neutrino.

There were some obstacles like firewall, onion-grater for tor control, configuring LND and bitcoind. If you run into some issues specific to bitcoind or LND, I may be able to help.

Note: the onion-grater profile I have posted above is incomplete and does not allow LND to function fully. I will update it when I have time and also make a pull request to github.

Updated onion-grater profile:

- exe-paths:
    - '*'
    - '*'
    - '*'
      - pattern: 'NEW:ED25519-V3 Port=9735,9735 '
        replacement: 'NEW:ED25519-V3 Port=9735,{client-address}:9735'
      - pattern: 'NEW:ED25519-V3 Port=9911,9911 '
        replacement: 'NEW:ED25519-V3 Port=9911,{client-address}:9911'
      - pattern: 'ED25519-V3:(\S+) Port=9735,9735 '
        replacement: 'ED25519-V3:{} Port=9735,{client-address}:9735'
      - pattern: 'ED25519-V3:(\S+) Port=9911,9911 '
        replacement: 'ED25519-V3:{} Port=9911,{client-address}:9911'
      - '.+'

awesome, Thank You! But I assume those issue with the onion-grater occur due to your workstations having to talk to each other… I hope I dont need to configure anything if I put everything, such as Bitcoin node and lnd in the same workstation.

U got any XP with joinmarket? I had faced some issues with their installer… It was downloading some older version of Tor and they just deleted my issue in GitHub Lol

Please stay on topic and don’t mix completely different issues into other forum threads. Add a link instead please if you must.

No. Completely unrelated.

You will need onion-grater regardless of the fact that they all run in same Workstation. Bitcoind and LND both need to be able to add a new onion service which means that it needs to do it via the control port on the gateway. The gateway, by default, does not allow ADD_ONION or DEL_ONION which is what the onion-grater profile will allow. For LND you can use the profile above and for Bitcoind this will be used:

Bitcoind onion-grater profile is shipped in Whonix by default but you need to manually add LND.

Adding Bitcoind onion-grater is as simple as:
sudo onion-grater-add 40_bitcoind and then
sudo service onion-grater restart
in the Gateway.

LND profile needs to be manually added as it does not ship with Whonix yet. This assumes that you have 40_lnd.yml with the above profile as contents somewhere.

cd /usr/local/etc/onion-grater-merger.d
sudo ln -s /path/to/40_lnd.yml 40_lnd.yml
sudo service onion-grater restart

Same workstation only means that LND and Bitcoind can communicate via localhost and as Patrick said, it’s unrelated to onion-grater whether or not the two services run in a separate workstation. If they run in separate workstation, you need to ensure that both workstations listen also on their internal network IP address, not just localhost.

I don’t but I’ve been interested to set it up for a while. But I agree with Patrick, please keep this thread on-topic.


@Patrick I have made a pull request to add that onion-grater profile.

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Better to have this documented in a dedicated wiki page /wiki/LND (or other URL?). Would you be up to maintain it?

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It would not hurt to have it documented I suppose. I am not against the idea of maintaining it when I have time to do so.

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page created:

Improve the Documentation / Edit the Whonix ™ Wiki

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THNX a lot for the efforts. Noob question: the ip of my bitcoin core in my vm is right? not right?