Bitcoin Core onion-grater profile

I don’t see why this pattern is beneficial?

It is allowing services to be created to any port to be used instead of only 8333.

Ok, so the person wants to create a restest and testnet service, they would need to edit the config, or the config should use all the default ports, eg. 18333 for testnet.

But the default ports can be hardcoded, if a person uses a non default port, then they are already configuring the service diffferently.

My proposal is to implement all default ports patterns so the above can be avoided.

Of course the service is only reachable after port is opened on the firewall. But I think the control port should not allow all ports, only the whitelisted ports.

Seeing the examples
onion-grater/usr/share/doc/onion-grater-merger/examples at master · Whonix/onion-grater · GitHub

None is allowing all ports, only onionshare that has a huge range, but that is onionshare default to have that range and search for open ports.

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