Benefiting from security-misc inside Qubes-Whonix.

I am certainly interested in sudo hardening.
(Multiple Boot Modes for Better Security: an Implementation of Untrusted Root)

So any patches are appreciated. If it’s only mostly done and a few remaining issues, I can certainly try looking into any remaining breakage.

hidepid breaks pkexec. That’s a pkexec upstream issue. I certainly won’t find a solution for that. Reference might be here somewhere:

That is expected because it’s enabled by default nowadays.

I am not sure what future that approach has.

Tons of approaches, discussions.

In essence: the new idea is to ship a hardened /etc/fstab.

file needs more work: security-misc/usr/share/doc/security-misc/fstab-vm at master · Kicksecure/security-misc · GitHub

For Qubes you could contribute fstab hardening directly to Qubes, starting here:

Does pkexec work?

This might be outdated. This is evidenced by the discussion and the ticket still being open:

File /etc/sudoers.d/qubes already had this comment removed. Website is probably also outdated. Reported just now.

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