Arm VS Vidalia


as a veteran Tails-user :wink: I’m used to Vidalia. I try to get up to speed with Arm and I’m wondering:

  1. how do I manually close a particular Tor curcuit here? I mean, I know pressing “n” builds new circuits but this isn’t too helpful/useful … in Vidalia, I just select a particular curcuit and press the “Del” key and it’s gone. Very handy if you’re dealing with stupid spam filters that try to block you from accessing certain sites. “Del”, F5, “Del”, F5, “Del”, F5 and there you have it (if Tor isn’t blocked per se). is a good example here. Using Tails for a long time, I found, that this is a much better approach than using the “new identity” features of either Vidalia or Torbutton.

  2. related to that: how do I see in Arm what site is opened through what curcuit? I mean, how does Arm show the user that I’m connected through curcuit A with and through curcuit B with (as an example)?

Are these things even possible with Arm? And if not, is it possible to use Vidalia with Whonix? If so, any documentation on how to introduce it? btw, I (personally) would need a setup recommendation that is able to control a Physically Isolated Gateway.


Vidalia is unmaintained upstream. As I understand it will be removed from Tails in near future.

I guess that’s a good reason not to add Vidalia to graphical Whonix-Gateway. Apart from Vidalia having many issues the Tails devs have written some patches for which were never merged upstream. Sorry to say, Vidalia is dead.

But for the sake of it, you can also get Vidalia running on Whonix-Gateway (or when using Whonix VMs, alternatively on the host as well), I’ve written documentation for a long time ago:

I don’t know if Arm has these features. Probably not. Looks like Arm isn’t as convenient as Vidalia is. Feel free to contact the Arm developer with your feedback. He’s a friendly person. And there was also a graphical version of arm, but last time I checked it was alpha only. Unmaintained? Never found time to research this in deep.